Islamic Calendar
Calendar, Events and Anniversaries
Islamic Calendar
Origin and Significance of the Hijri Calendar
Months of the Calendar
Determining Islamic Dates
Origin and Significance of the Hijri Calendar
Months of the Calendar
Determining Islamic Dates
Fast of Ashura (10th Muharram)
Historical significance of Ashura
Important dates and Anniversaries
Fast of Ashura (10th Muharram)
Historical significance of Ashura
Important dates and Anniversaries
SafarSafar al-Muzaffar
Important dates and Anniversaries
Rabbi al-AwwalVirtues of Rabi al-Awwal
Important dates and Anniversaries
Rabi al-Thani
Virtues of Rabi al-Thani
Important dates and Anniversaries
Jumada al-Ula
Virtues of Jumada al-Ula
Important dates and Anniversaries
Important dates and Anniversaries
Rabbi al-AwwalVirtues of Rabi al-Awwal
Important dates and Anniversaries
Rabi al-Thani
Virtues of Rabi al-Thani
Important dates and Anniversaries
Jumada al-Ula
Virtues of Jumada al-Ula
Important dates and Anniversaries
Jumada al-UkhraVirtues of Jumada al-Ukhra
Important dates and Anniversaries
Important dates and Anniversaries
RajabVirtues of the month of Rajab
The Dhikr of Rajab
Important dates and Anniversaries
The Dhikr of Rajab
Important dates and Anniversaries
Sha'baanVirtuous benefits of Sha'baan
Meaning of the word
Salaat al-Khair
Dua-e-Nisfl Sha'baan
Laylat al-Bar'ah - Night of Salvation
Important dates and Anniversaries
Meaning of the word
Salaat al-Khair
Dua-e-Nisfl Sha'baan
Laylat al-Bar'ah - Night of Salvation
Important dates and Anniversaries
Virtues of Ramadan
Your complete Ramadan/fasting guide
Important dates and Anniversaries
Virtues of Ramadan
Your complete Ramadan/fasting guide
Important dates and Anniversaries
ShawwalEvents of Shawwal
Beginning of the Ashurr al-Hajj
Eid al-Fitr
Night pre-ceding Eid prayer
Before going to Eid Prayer
Sadaqat ul-Fitr
The Eid Prayer
How to perform Eid Salaat
The Khutbah of Eid al-Fitr
The six fasts of Shawwal
Salat al-utaqa fi Shawwal
Important dates and Anniversaries
Dhul Qa'dahVirtues of Dhul Qa'dah
Important dates and Anniversaries
Dhul HijjahVirtues of Dhul Hijjah
The first ten days
Important dates and Anniversaries
Beginning of the Ashurr al-Hajj
Eid al-Fitr
Night pre-ceding Eid prayer
Before going to Eid Prayer
Sadaqat ul-Fitr
The Eid Prayer
How to perform Eid Salaat
The Khutbah of Eid al-Fitr
The six fasts of Shawwal
Salat al-utaqa fi Shawwal
Important dates and Anniversaries
Dhul Qa'dahVirtues of Dhul Qa'dah
Important dates and Anniversaries
Dhul HijjahVirtues of Dhul Hijjah
The first ten days
Important dates and Anniversaries
The Islamic Calendar is based on the Lunar Calendar consisting of 354-355 days annually and is 10-11 days shorter than the western Solar Calendar. The Lunar month is based on the time it takes the moon to complete a single orbit around the earth and it is just over 29½ days. There are many advantages to the Lunar calendar. For example, the various dates in the Islamic Calendar such as Ramadan and Hajj rotate every year and are not fixed like the Solar Year. People, therefore, will perform acts of worship in various climatic conditions and in different length of hours in submission to the will of Allah where human imagination plays no part.
The new moon marks the beginning of each new lunar month and it is easy for people to see the new moon and know that a new month has begun. This probably explains why most ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, the Jews, the Greeks and the Egyptians in the Middle East, the Aztecs and the Incas of the West, and the Hindus and the Chinese of the East used this system . Interestingly, the English word ‘month’ is derived from the word ‘moon’.
Origin and Significance of the Hijri Calendar
The Islamic Calendar was started by the second Caliph Umar in 16 AH/ 637 CE . The event of the Hijrah, the migration of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) from Makkah to Madinah in 622 CE, was chosen to begin the Islamic Calendar because it was the first major sacrifice made by the whole Ummah for the preservation of Islam in its formative period. The Caliph Umar is reported to have remarked: “The Hijrah has separated truth from falsehood, therefore, let it become the Epoch of the Era". The Hijrah year reminds Muslims every year of the sacrifices made by the first Muslims and should prepare them to do the same. The constant use of the Hijri Calendar for acts of worship and as a frame of reference to major historical events will help Muslims keep links with their roots and further enhance their knowledge of their religion and history.
Months of the Islamic Calendar
There are twelve months in the Islamic Calendar. As the Qur’an says: “Surely the number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve, in accordance with His decree from the day He created the heavens and the earth, out of which four are sacred” (9:36) . The four Sacred Months (al-Ashhur al-Hurum) are Rajab, Dhul Qa‘dah, Dhul Hijjah and Muharram . The sanctity of these months was also accepted in the Pre-Islamic era when fighting was forbidden and there were cease-fires where battle was ongoing. Because Rajab is a sacred month, it was customary for people in pre-Islamic times to perform ‘Umrah during it as they were guaranteed safety and security. Dhul Hijjah is the month when people from far away places go to perform the Pilgrimage (Hajj). The two other Sacred Months come before (Dhul Qa‘dah) and after (Muharram) this month, so that people’s journeys to and from the Ka‘bah to distant places are safe.
The twelve months of the Islamic Calendar are as follows:
- Muharram
- Safar
- Rabi‘ al-Awwal
- Rabi‘ al-Thani
- Jumada al-Ula
- Jumada al-Ukhra
- Rajab
- Sha‘ban
- Ramadan
- Shawwal
- Dhul Qa‘dah
- Dhul Hijjah
Determining Islamic Dates
Islamic dates are determined by the actual visibility of the moon as the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) said: “Fast by seeing it (the moon) and end the fast by seeing it”. Muslim scholars have interpreted this Prophetic saying in two different ways. Some scholars have held the view that each location has its own sighting of the moon (Ikhtilaf al-Mutali‘) . But most scholars have taken the words “fast by seeing it” (sumu li ru’yatihi) as a general command to all Muslims and not individual sectors of the community. Hence they regard the sighting of the moon in one region as valid for people of another region, provided the news of sighting the moon reaches them through authentic means . In this regard, it has been said that a person who learns about the sighting of the moon in good time to be able to utilize it for fasting, for ending the fast or for sacrifice, must definitely do so. The texts and the reports from the Pious Predecessors point to this. To limit this to a certain distance or country would contradict both reason and the Shari‘ah”.
Muharram : The first month in the Islamic calendar
Contrary to popular belief, Muharram is not a particular day, but
the name of a month that marks the beginning of the year according
to the Islamic calendar. Muharram is one of four months that have
been designated as holy according to the Islamic calendar, the other
three being – Dhul-Qa’adah, Dhul-Hijjah and Rajab.
Fasting in the month of Muharram
Fasting is advocated in the month of Muharram. The Prophet (Salla
Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa 'aalihi Sallam) is believed to have said: “The
best fasts after the fasts of Ramadan are those of the month of
Muharram.” Although the fasts of the month of Muharram are not
obligatory, yet one who fasts in these days out of his own will is
entitled to a great reward by Allah Almighty. Fasting on the tenth
day of Muharram, called Ashura, is particularly important, as it
supposed to lead to great rewards. A person does not have to fast
for the whole month. On the contrary, each fast during this month
has merit. It is recommended to fast at least two days .... the ninth
and tenth of Muharram.
Mausoleum of Imam Husayn
(Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) Kerbala, Iraq.
Muharram – an auspicious time
The month of Muharram is also associated with many auspicious
events in Islamic history. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) created the
heavens and the earth on this blessed day. On this day He give His
infinite blessings and bounties to many of His Prophets (may Allah
bless them) and delivered them from the clutches of their enemies.
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) created Hadrat Adam (alaihi asalam)
in this month and pardoned him of his mistake. Hadrat Noah’s Ark
landed successfully on Mount Judi during this time centuries ago.
God is also said to have saved Hadrat Ibrahim (alaihi asalam) from
fire and rescued Hadrat Musa from the Pharaoh during the month of
You must be wondering what else there is to remember then? The
tenth day of Muharram or Ashura is of supreme importance for all
Muslims as they remember the martyrdom anniversary of Hadrat
Imam Hussain (Radi Allahu tala anhu), the beloved grandson of
the Most Noble & Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala
'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa Sallam).
The month of Muharram is also associated with many auspicious
events in Islamic history. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) created the
heavens and the earth on this blessed day. On this day He give His
infinite blessings and bounties to many of His Prophets (may Allah
bless them) and delivered them from the clutches of their enemies.
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) created Hadrat Adam (alaihi asalam)
in this month and pardoned him of his mistake. Hadrat Noah’s Ark
landed successfully on Mount Judi during this time centuries ago.
God is also said to have saved Hadrat Ibrahim (alaihi asalam) from
fire and rescued Hadrat Musa from the Pharaoh during the month of
You must be wondering what else there is to remember then? The
tenth day of Muharram or Ashura is of supreme importance for all
Muslims as they remember the martyrdom anniversary of Hadrat
Imam Hussain (Radi Allahu tala anhu), the beloved grandson of
the Most Noble & Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala
'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa Sallam).
The tragedy at Karbala
In the month of Muharram many centuries ago, (approximately
October 20th 680 A.D.), an event took place in Iraq at a place
known as Karbala on the bank of the river Euphrates.
A large army, which had been mobilised by the Umayyad regime,
besieged a group of persons numbering less than a hundred and
put them under pressure to pay allegiance to the Caliph of the time
and submit to his authority. The Caliph was a man much taken with
earthly pleasures that deviated from the Islamic way of life. The
small group resisted and a severe battle took place in which they
were all killed. The leader of the small band of men who were
martyred in Karbala was none other than Imam Husain (Radi
Allahu tala anhu), the grandson of the Most Beloved Prophet
(Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa Sallam).
Imam Husain’s (Radi Allahu tala anhu) martyrdom at Kerbala
represents a conscious confrontation with anti-Islamic forces and
a courageous resistance for a sacred cause. The tragedy was that
the one who stood up to defend Islam was cut down in so cruel a
manner. It is for this reason that the death of Imam Husain (Radi
Allahu tala anhu) is remembered annually in the Muslim world.
The Fast of ‘Ashura (The 10th of Muharram)
Mu’awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan (Radi allahu ta'ala 'anhu) relates: I heard the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) say: "It is the day of ‘Ashura. Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) has not made fasting obligatory for you. But I am fasting. He who likes to observe fast among you should do so, and he who likes not to observe it (does not have to) observe it." [Sahih Muslim]
Abu Qatada (Radi allahu ta'ala 'anhu) relates that the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) said that the fast on the 10th of Muharram atones for the sins of the preceding year. [Sahih Muslim]
Abu Huraira (Radi allahu ta'ala 'anhu) reports that the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) said that after Ramadan, the fasts of Muharram have the greatest excellence. [Sahih Muslim]
Alhamdulillah, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) has blessed us to see another year. The first month of this year is Muharram. In this month is an excellent day—the day of ‘Ashura—which falls on the 10th of Muharram. The Most Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) recommended that we fast on this day, by his Sunnah. He also indicated how we should observe the fast of ‘Ashura.
Hakam ibn Al-Arat (Radi allahu ta'ala 'anhu) relates: I went to Ibn Abbas (Radi allahu ta'ala 'anhu)… I said to him: Tell me about fasting on ‘Ashura. He said, "When you seen the new moon of Muharram count the (days) and (begin to) observe fast on the 9th." I said to him: "Is it how the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Sall Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) observed the fast?" He said, "Yes." [Sahih Muslim]
Hadrat Ibn Abbas (Radi allahu ta'ala 'anhu) relates that when the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) said: "If I survive till next year, I will definitely observe fast on the 9th of Muharram (as well)." [Sahih Muslim]
(Note: What the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) meant was that he would also fast on the 9th as well as the 10th to which he was accustomed. We also should try fasting on the 9th and the 10th of Muharram.)
Hadrat Ibn Abbas (Radi Allahu ta'ala 'anhu) reports that the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ta'ala alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) arrived in Madinah and found the Jews observing fast on the day of ‘Ashura… They said: "It is the day of great (significance) when Allah delivered Hadrat Musa ('Alaihis-Salaam) and his people and drowned Pharoah and his people, and Sayyadina Musa ('Alaihis-Salaam) observed fast out of gratitude. And we also observe it." The Beloved Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu ta'ala alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) responded: "We have more right, and we have closer connection with Sayyadina Musa ('Alaihis-Salaam) than you have"; so Allah’s Beloved Messenger (Salla Allahu ta'ala alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) observed fast (on the day of ‘Ashura) and gave us orders to observe it. [Sahih Bukhari and Muslim]
‘Ashura is a day of great historical significance. On this day: Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) accepted the repentance of Sayyadina Adam ('Alaihis-Salaam) after his exile from Paradise; Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) saved Sayyadina Nuh ('Alaihis-Salaam) and his companions in the ark; Allah extinguished the fire in which Sayyadina Ibrahim ('Alaihis-Salaam) was thrown by Nimrod; And Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) spoke directly to Sayyadina Musa ('Alaihis-Salaam) and gave him the Commandments. On this same 10th of Muharram, Sayyadina Ayyub ('Alaihis-Salaam) was restored to health (from leprosy); Sayyadina Yusuf ('Alaihis-Salaam) was reunited with his father Ya’qub ('Alaihis-Salaam); Sayyadina Yunus ('Alaihis-Salaam) was taken out from the belly of the fish; and the sea was divided as the nation of israel was delivered from captivity and Pharoah’s army was destroyed. ‘Ashura is also the day the kingdom of Sulaiman ('Alaihis-Salaam) was restored; Sayyadina Isa ('Alaihis-Salaam) was raised to Jannah; and Sayyadina al-Husayn (Radi allahu ta'ala 'anhu) (the Beloved Nabi’s, Salla Allahu ta'ala alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, grandson) achieved the honour of Martyrdom.
Worship Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) as much as you can on ‘Ashura. Whoever fasts on this day is like one who fasts all his life. Whoever clothes a naked person Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) will release him from a painful punishment. He who visits a sick person, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) will grant him a reward that will not be decreased. Whoever places his hand on an orphan’s head, or feeds a hungry person or gives water to a thirsty man, Allah will feed him a feast from Paradise and will quench his thirst with Salsabil (a wine that does not intoxicate). And who ever takes a Ghusl on this day will enjoy excellent health and freedom from sickness and indolence. Whoever provides generously for his family on this day, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) will be generous to him throughout this year. And whoever applies Kuhl to his eyes will never suffer from eye-sore again, Insha’Allah al-Aziz
O’ Allah! Bless us to perform good deeds and gain their reward on ‘Ashura. Make the new year one of unity, cooperation and success for Muslims in this city and around the world. Ameen.
Webmasters note; It has been brought to our attention that there was a grave error in the above article referring to the Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) being 'forgiven for his sins', even though we are all aware that ALL Prophet's (alaihi as-salaam) are sinless. We would like to apologise unreservedly for overlooking this mistake even though we acquired it from a very 'reliable' source. We pray for forgiveness to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and ask for guidance on the righteous path.
Key dates and Important Anniversaries of Muharram
1st - Islamic New Year, 1st - Wissal Shaykh Abul Hassan Ali Bukhari, Baghdad Shareef
1st - Birth ; Hadrat Umar Farooq,
1st - Birth ; Hadrat Shahabuddin Suharwardi
2nd - Urs ; Pir Jamal Shah Bin Murtaza
2nd - Wissal Hadrat Khwaja Ma'roof Kirki, Baghdad Shareef
4th - Wissal Hadrat Khwaja Hassan Basri
5th - Urs ; Hadrat Baba Fariduddin Ganj Shakar
6th - Chatti Shareef, Khawaja Gharib-e-Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
8th - Wissal ; Hadrat Imam Zayn al-Abideen Medina Munawwara
8th - Urs ; Hadrat Mawlana Hashmat Ali Khan, Pilibit Shareef
9th - Shab-e-Ashura Amal
10th - Yaum-e-Ashura Amal
10th - Allah Ta'ala Created the Heavens and Earth.
- On this Very Day would be the Day of Qiyyamah (Judgement).
- Allah swt gave his infinite blessings and bounties to many
of his Prophets and delivered them from the clutches of the
- Ship of Hadrat Noah came to rest on Mount Al-Judi.
- Hadrat Ayyub (Alayhi Asallam) was delivered from distress.
- Hadrat Yunus (Alayhi Asallam) was cast onto the shore
after being swallowed by a fish for 40 days .
- Hadrat Moosa (Alayhi Asallam) got victory over the
- The Birth of Hadrat Ibrahim (Alayhi Asallam)
10th - Martyrdom of Imam Hussain at Karbala
10th - Hadrat Sayyadi Shah Barkatullah Ishki, Mahrehah Shareef
11th - Urs ; Pir Rahmat Shah Saheb, Gojarkhan, Rawalpindi.
11th - Ghiyarwee Sharif ; Hadrat Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani
13th - Urs ; Mufti-e-Azam Had Mustafa Raza Khan Bareilly Sh.
19th - Wissal Hadrat Sayyad Ahmad al-Jilani, Baghdad Shareef
20th - Wissal ; Hadrat Bilal
20th - Wissal ; Hadrat Shah Waliyullah Dhelvi
21st - Wissal ; Mawlana Muhammad Nazir al-Akram Sahib Naeemi
21st - Urs ; Hadrat Zinda Pir,Ghamkhol Shareef,
25th - Birth ; Hadrat Imam Hassan
26th - Urs ; Hadrat Tajul Awliya, Baba Tajuddin, Nagpur Shareef
28th - Urs; Hadrat Makhdoom Ashraf Jahangir,Kicchocha Shareef.
Ridwanallahi ta'ala m'ajmaim
Safar al-Muzaffar | |
Month of the year: Safar is the second month of the Islamic calendar. | |
Literal meaning: Empty. During this month the houses used to be empty and deserted because the ban on going to war in the month of Muharram came to an end and everyone proceeded towards the battlefield. | |
Safar also means to be yellow. When the names of the months were being given it was the season of autumn and the leaves of the trees were yellow. | |
Many people have erroneous beliefs regarding this month i.e. it is a month of misfortune and calamities. The teachings of Allâh Ta'âla and His Most Beloved Rasûl (Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) gives us clear guidelines on such incorrect beliefs. | |
Allâh (Subhanahu wa Ta'âla) says in the Qur'ân al-kareem : "No kind of calamity can occur, except by the will of Allâh". (Surah 64-Ayat 11). | |
These erroneous beliefs have also been condemned in the context of the following Ahâdîth: | |
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The above Ahâdîth clearly refutes all incorrect beliefs and superstitions regarding the month of Safar. These incorrect beliefs flow from the pre-Islamic period of Jâhiliyyah [Days of Ignorance]. | |
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The Month of Safar During the Days of Ignorance | |
The Muhaddithîn have recorded many of the superstitions harboured by the Arabs during the Days of Ignorance. A few are mentioned below: | |
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2. Some said Safar are worms which originate in the liver and ribs due to which the colour of the person becomes yellow, a condition we know today as jaundice. | |
3. According to some, the month of Safar flanked by Muharram and RabI al Awwal is full of calamities and misfortune. | |
With the advent of Islam and the teachings of Sayyadina Rasûlullah (Salla Allahu Ta'ala alayh wa Sallam), all evil and incorrect beliefs common in pre-Islamic times were discarded. | |
Incorrect Beliefs: | |
Today too, there are some Muslims who hold incorrect beliefs regarding the month of Safar. | |
1. | A nikâh performed in this month would not be successful. |
| Sayyadina Ali (Radi Allahu anhu) married Sayyiditina Fatima (Radi allahu anha), (the daughter of Rasûlullah - Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) in the latter days of Safar 2 A.H. |
2. | This month is full of misfortune and calamities. |
3. | To commence any important venture, business etc. during this month will bring bad luck. |
4. | The first to the thirteenth of Safar is ill-fortune and evil. |
5. | The person who distributes food or money on the 13th of Safar wiII be saved from its ill-fortune. |
6. | To celebrate the last Wednesday of Safar and regard it as a holiday. |
What to do: | |
1. | To shun all types of erroneous beliefs regarding the blessed month of Safar. |
2. | To understand that the most unfortunate person is he who disobeys Allâh Ta'âla's commandments e.g. does not perform the five daily salaah etc. It is narrated in a hadîth that Rasûlullah (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) said: "Pray, 0 Allah! Cause not anyone of us to be a wretched destitute." He then asked: "Do you know who is a wretched destitute?" Upon the request of the Sahabah (Radi allahu anhum) he replied, "A wretched destitute is he who neglects his salaât. " (Hadîth). |
3. | We should understand that all conditions which befalls us, good or bad, favourable, or unfavourable are from Allâh Ta'âla, (as a result of our actions). Allâh Ta'âla says: " Whatever misfortune befalls you, it is due to the things your hands have wrought, and He forgives many a sin." (Surah 42 - Verse 30). |
This can also be confirmed by the following Hadîth: | |
Sayyadina Jabir (Radi Allahu anhu) has said that, "I have heard Sayyadina Rasûlullah (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Sallam) saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition befalling in the month of Safar is untrue." (Muslim) |
Important dates and Anniversaries of Safar
1st - Urs Haji Waris Ali Shah
6th - Chatti Shareef, Khawaja Gharib-e-Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
7th - Yaum-e-Ala Hadrat,6th - Chatti Shareef, Khawaja Gharib-e-Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
7th - Urs ; Shaykh Zakariya Multani
11th - Urs ; Hazrat Ibrahim Raza (Jilani Miya) Bareilly Shareef
11th - Ghiyarwee Shareef ; Hadrat Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani
13th - Urs ; Imam Nisai Abdul Rahman bin Shoaib
19th - Urs ; Hadrat Data Ganj Baksh, Lahore
19th - Wissal Sayyad Ahmed, Kalpi Sharif
25th - Urs ; Ala Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan,Bareilly Shareef
26th - Urs ; Sayyad Hassan Jilani, Baghdad Shareef
27th - Hijrat from Makkah of the Beloved Prophet
(Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam )
27th - Wissal Ghazi Sultan Salahuddin Ayyub
27th - Birth ; Hadrat Khawaja Nizamuddin Awliya Chisti
28th - Martyrdom of Imam Hassan,Madinah Munawwara
28th - Urs ; Hadrat Imam Mujaddid Alf Thaani, Sirhind,Punjab
29th - Urs ; Pir Meher Ali Shah, Golra Sharif
Ridwanallah tala'alaihi majmain
Rabi al-Awwal
Month of the Year: Rabi 'al Awwal is the third blessed month of the Islamic Calendar
The Literal Meaning: Rabi means 'Spring'. When the names were being given, this month, Rabi 'al Awwal, and the month that followed saw the end of Spring and thus name Rabi 'al Akhir (thani).Significance of the Month: Sayyadina Rasulullah (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa sallam), a Mercy of all Mankind was Born in this month. He migrated from Makkah Mukarramah to Madinah Munawwarah and departed from this world 63 year later. Sayyadina Rasulullah (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa sallam) blessed birth is celebrated by Muslims in all four corners of the globe and is known as Eid Milad an-Nabi. Also go here to read more about our Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa sallam).
BIRTH ; | |
Place | Makkah Mukarramah |
Time | Subh Sâdiq [dawn] |
Day | Monday |
Date | 8th or 12th |
Month | Rabi 'al Awwal |
Year | 570 CE |
Age at Nubuwwat | 17 Ramadhân |
Companion during Hijrat | Hadrat Abu Bakr (Radi allahu anhu) |
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Demise ; | |
Place | Home of Ayesha (Radi allahu anha)Madinah Munawwarah |
Time | Between Chast and Zawâl |
Day | Monday |
Month | Rabbi 'al Awwal |
Year | 11 AH |
Age at the time of Death | 63 years |
Buried | In the home of Sayyiditina Ayesha (Radi allahu anha) |
Important dates and Anniversaries (Urs) of Rabi al-Awwal
2nd - Yaum ; Hadrat Khawaja Bahauddeen Naqshbandi
5th - Urs Hadrat Khawaja Alauddin Sabir Kalyari,Kalyar Shareef
5th - Urs ; Hadrat Sakina binte Hadrat Imam Hussein
6th - Wissal Hadrat Sayyad Badshah Pir, Durban
6th - Chatti Shareef ; Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
7th - Urs ; Shah Hamdani,Kashmir
8th - Yaum-e-Imam Hassan Askari
11th - Ghiyarwee Shareef ; Shaykh Abd'al Qadir al-Jilani
12th - Eid Milad Un Nabi; Birth of the Beloved Prophet
(Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam )
12th - Birth ; Hadrat Imam Jafar Sadiq
13th - Birth ; Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal
14th - Urs ; Hadrat Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtyar Kaki Delhi
19th - Birth ; Hadrat Khawaja Alauddin Sabir Kalyari
21th - Wissal ; Hadrat Shah Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlvi
22th - Urs ; Sayyada Bibi Rabiya Basri
22th - Urs ; Hadrat Muhiyuddin Nasar
25th - Urs ; Lal Shah Baaz Qalander,Sevan Shareef
25th - Urs ; Hadrat Ache Miya Maherarwi, Maherah Shareef
26th - Urs ; Hadrat Bu Shah Ali Qalander
27th - Urs ; Hadrat Muhiyuddin Abu Nasr, Baghdad Shareef
29th - Urs ; Umm al Mu'mineen Hadrat Juwariyah,Madinah Munawwara
Rabi al-Thani
Virtues of Rabi al-Thani
The fourth month of the Islamic calendar is Rabbi al-Akhir (thani). In this very month is the anniversary of the king of Baghdad, Chief of the contented souls, the incomparable, Hadrat Ghawth al-A'zam, Sayyadina Shaykh Muhiyuddin, Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hassani w'al-Hussaini, Bhagdadi (Radi Allahu ta'ala Anhu). Muslims throughout the world in this month zealously make arrangements to offer Niyaaz and Fateha of the Saint of Baghdad. Charity is also given in the name of Pious Saints of Islam as a means of conveying reward to these blessed from which not only the poor and beggars benefit a great deal but the souls of the believers also obtain peace and contentment. "Essale thawaab" means conveying the reward of. In this respect there is a Hadith reported by Hadrat Anas bin Malik (Radi Allahu ta'ala Anhu) that he asked the Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala Alaihi wa Sallam) : "Oh Messenger of Allah, when we give charity on behalf of our dead and perform Hajj on their behalf, do they receive the reward of these actions?" The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala Alaihi wa Sallam) replied: "Without doubt they do receive their rewards. Not only that, but they become very happy, just as any one of you would become happy on receiving gifts."
In a second Hadith the the most Beloved Messenger (Salla Allahu ta'ala Alaihi wa Sallam) of Allah says: "Anyone who recites Surah Ikhlas 11 times and then conveys its reward to the departed souls, Allah Ta’ala will shower rewards on such a person equal to the number of these souls…………"
These AHadiths serve as ample proof that the deceased souls do benefit from the good deeds and charities of the living. This is an opportune moment to relate to you the saying of Shaykh Sayyadina Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani (Radi Allahu ta'ala Anhu). Ghawth al-A'zam said that, "Whosoever in his distress cries to me for help, he will be relieved of his distress; whosoever in his difficulty calls by my name, his difficulty will be solved; whosoever in his time of need-makes me as his intermediary to Allah Ta’ala , his needs will be fulfilled. Any person who performs 2 rakaats Namaaz in which after Surah Fateha, recites Surah Ikhlas 11 times and then making salam sends Darood on the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala Alayhi wa Sallam), the garden of mercy after which he thinks of me and takes 11 steps towards the direction of Iraq calling my name, then presents his need, with Allah Ta’ala’s permission his need will be fulfilled."
The Namaaz is known as Salaat al-Asrar or Salaat al-Ghausiyyah : which is a proven means of obtaining fulfillment of one’s needs and prayers. Salaat al-Asrar is explained by Imam Abd'al Hassan Nuruddeen Alli Ibn Jaleel in Bahjat al-Asrar, and Hadrat Mullah Ali Qari and Shaykh Abd'al Haq Muhaddith Dhelvi (Radi Allahu ta'ala Anhum) have reported from Hadrat Ghawth al-A'zam (Radi Allahu ta'ala Anhu). Its method is as follows:
After completing the Fard and Sunnat of Maghrib Namaaz, offer 2 rakaats and in each rakaat after Surah Fateha recite 11 times Surah Ikhlas, then recite this dua 11 times:
''Ya Rasul Allah hey ya Nabi Allah Hey Aghisni was Amdidni fi Qadi’ ai hajati ya Qadi yal hajat."
Then taking 11 steps in the direction of Iraq read the following on each step:
"Ya Ghaus-saqa-lainey ya Karim mat-tarfainey aghisni wa amdidni fi Qada-e hajati ya Qadi yal hajat."
Thereafter, making the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala Alaihi wa Sallam) as the intermediary present one’s needs and desires to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala).
Important Dates and Anniversaries of Rabi al-Thani
3rd - Urs; Umm-al Mu'mineen Umme Salma Madinah Munawwara
5th - Urs; Hadrat Sayyad Shah Ibrahim Iirji, Delhi
6th - Chatti Shareef, Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
7th - Wissal; Imam Malik, Madinah Munawwara
10th - Wissal; Hadrat Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Baghdad Shareef
11th - Urs; 'Ghawth al-A'zam' Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani, Baghdad
11th - Urs; Khawaja Mehmood Dariyaee Dulha, Birpur
14th - Wissal; Imam Muhammad Ghazzali
15th - Urs; Alim-e-Rabbani Mawlana Ahmad Ashraf, Kicchocha Shareef
15th - Urs; Hadrat Shah Raza Ali Khan, Bareilly Shareef
16th - Urs; Haji Ali Baba, Mumbai
18th - Urs; Mehboob Elahi Khawaja Nizamuddin Awliya Chisti
18th - Wissal; Mawlana Abdul Rahman Jaami
21st - Urs; Sayyad Ismail Hassan Mahrerwi, Mahrerwa Shareef
22nd - Birth; Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique,the first Khalifa
28th - Wissal ; Hadrat Muhiyuddin Ibn al-Arabi
Jumada al-Ula
Jumada al-Ula : is the fifth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
Literal meaning : Jumad means freezing, Whilst naming the months, this month occured in the season when the water freezes so it was Jumadal Ula. The month that followed occured towards the end of this season thus it was named Jumâdal Âkhir (Thani).
Important dates and Anniversaries of Jumada al-Ula
2nd - Urs ; Hadrat Khwaja Sirajuddin Chisti
6th - Wissal ; Sufi Muhammad Hassan Shan
6th - Chatti Shareef, Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
6th - Urs ; Mujahid-e-Millat Habibur Rehman Qadri, Orissa
7th - Urs ; Hadrat Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi
8th - Urs ; Hadrat Pir Ibrahim Shah Chisti
11th - Ghiyarwee Sharif ; Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani
11th - Urs ; Pir Jahangir Shah Bawa
17th - Urs ; Hujjat al-Islam Mawlana Hamid Raza Khan Bareilly Sharif
17th - Wissal Haji Muhammad Ilyas Khan Dhandot, Jhelum
22nd - Hadrat Sayyad Ahmed Kabir Rifaai
28th - Urs ; Khawaja Ibrahim ibne Ahmad Balkhi, Iran
29th - Wissal ; Hadrat Khalid Bin Walid
Jumada al-Ukhra
Jumâdal Ukhra : is the sixth month of the Islamic Calendar
Literal meaning : This month followed Jumâdal Ûla and occured towards the end of the season when water freeezes, thus it was named Jumâdal Ukhrâ.
No specific ibadât has been prescribed by the Shari'ah during this month. However, one should try to observe the fasts of Ayâm-e-Bîdh, which are the middle days of every lunar month.
1st - Urs ; Hafiz-e-Millat Mawlana Sayyad Abdul Aziz Ashrafi, Mubarakpur
3rd - Wissal ; Mawlana Abdul Halim Siddiqui
5th - Wissal ; Mawlana Jalal-ud-Din Rumi, Turkey
6th - Chatti Shareef, Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
8th - Urs Hadrat Shah Makhdoom Ali Mahemi, Mumbai
9th - Urs ; Khawaja Shamsuddin Turk
9th - Urs ; Hadrat Qazi Iyad ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, Marrakesh
11th - Ghiyarwee Sharif; Shaykh Abd'al Qadir al-Jilani
11th - Urs ; Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar
11th - Sayyad Ala Mustafa Mahrerwi, Mahrerah Sharif
12th - Wissal Haji Muhajir Al Makki
14th - Urs ; Hadrat Muhammad Imam al Ghazali, Heart
16th - Urs ; Hadrat Sayyad Shah-e-Alam, Ahmedabad
20th - Birth ; Khatoon-e-Jannat, Sayyada Fatima Zahra, Madinah
22nd - Urs ; Amir al-Muminin Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddeeq
23rd - Khilafat Hadrat Sayyadina Farooq-e-Azam
23rd - Wissal ; Hadrat Quddus Gangohi
25th - Urs ; Hadrat Tajul Ulema
26th - Wissal Hadrat Abdul Wahid Tamimi, Baghdad Shareef
The Blessed Month of Rajab, is the seventh month in the Islamic
lunar calendar. Listed below are some key anniversaries and
important dates of this blessed month.
The Virtues of the Blessed Month of Rajab
Hadrat Salman Farsi (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) narrates that the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) said that there is a day in the month of Rajab on which if a person fasts and does Qiyamul Lail (night vigil) on that night, he will receive rewards like a person who fasts for 100 years and does Qiyaamul Lail for nights of 100 years.This is the night of the 27th and the day of the 27th Rajab. This is the day on which Sayyadina Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) was appointed to Messengerhood, (Ghuniyatut Talibeen, Tarteeb Shareef page 781).
Hadrat Salman (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) narrates that the Beloved of Allah, Hadrat Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) said "O Salman,there is no Mumin (True Believer) and Muminah (Truly Believing Female) who performs 30 Rakaah in the month of Rajab and in each Raka'ah recites Surah Al Fatihah once, Surah Al-Ikhlas 3 times,and Sura Al Kafirun 3 times that Allah does forgive them their sins and bestows rewards upon them, as upon a person who has fasted a whole month. He becomes among those who will be steadfast in their salaat in the year which is to come. For him the deeds of the day is equal to that of the martyr. He will be raised with the Martyrs of the Battle of Badr. For him is written for the fast of each day, one year's worship. His station is raised 1000 times higher.
If he fasts the entire month of Rajab and he performs this (Above) Salaat, Allah will give him salvation from the Hell Fire, make Waajib for him, His Paradise and bestow His Nearness upon him. Hadrat Jibreel (alaihi as-salaam) informed me "O Muhammad this is the sign between you & the Mushrikeen-Polytheists and the Munafiqin (Hypocrites) because the Munafiq does not perform this Salaat."
Hadrat Salman (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) says, I beseeched "O Rasoolallah tell me when and how shall I perform this Salaat (Prayer)" He said "O Salman, perform ten Rakaah on the first of it (month of Rajab) and in each Raka'h recite Surah Al-Fatihah once, Surah Al Ikhlas thrice and Surah Al Kafiroon thrice and after you do your Salaam (at the end of the Salat) raise your hands and say :
" There is no God but Allah,The One Who has no partners. To Him belongs all His kingdom and all the praise, Who created life and death and Who is Alive without Death. From His hands (only) good is done and Who has Power over everything. Dearest Allah, no one can stop what You bestow and no one can give what You prevent. There is no one who can profit us except You the August among all. " Then spread your hands over your face." In the middle of the month perform ten Rakaah and in each Rakaah recite Surah Al Fatihah once, Surah Al Ikhlas thrice, and Surah Al Kafiroon thrice and after you do your salaam (at the end of the Salaat) raise your hands towards the heavens and say :
There is no God but Allah, the One who has no partners. To Him belongs all His Kingdom and all the praise. Who created life and death and Who is Alive without Death. From His Hands (only) good is done and Who has Power over everything.The only God, Unique, Who has no needs . . . He has no wife and no children. Then spread your hands over your face. You perform this Salaat at the end of the month, ten Rakaah.In every Rakaah recite Surah Al Fatihah one, Surah Al Ikhlas thrice and Surah Al Kafiroon thrice. After you do your salaam, raise your hand towards the heaven and say :
There is no God but Allah, The One Who has no partners.To Him belongs all His Kingdom and all the praise. Who created life and death and Who is Alive without Death. From His Hands (only) good is done and Who has Power over everything. And the blessing of Allah be upon the Master Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) and upon his pure progeny and there is no power greater than that of Allah Who is the Greatest in Might". Then ask for your needs (to be fulfilled). Your Supplication will be accepted and Allah will create seventy trenches between you and the Hell fire, the distance between each trench will be like it is between Heaven and Earth and written for you will be freedom from Fire of Hell, and from crossing the Bridge of Siraat." When the Beloved of Allah, Hadrat Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) had finished, I fell down in prostration, weeping out of gratitude towards Allah for the abundance of the rewards. Note:~ We here in Daar-ul-Ehsaan, perform this salaat every year, in pairs of two Rakaah, doing the salam after each pair. This way we do 10 Rakaah in 5 pairs and the supplication after the salaam of the fifth pair. Allah and his beloved know the best,(Ghuniyatut Talibeen, Tarteeb Shareef Page 756 - 770).
By the Grace & Mercy of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) the most Merciful, the Treasure which is the Hereafter for the Mumineen is available to you through the virtues contained in "The Virtues Of Islamic Life". Treasure these issues, file them, go back to them and read them frequently,practice these virtuous deeds in your life and you will find by His Blessings showered upon those who strive to reach Him, your Iman soaring and your heart filled with the gift of love bestowed upon you by the One Who created you for the One who is the most Beneficent and the most Generous and for the one He loves the most, Sayyadina Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) Insha-Allah Ta'ala. This most blessed month of Rajab is significant not just for the many
blessings for the fasting and special prayers but also because of so
many anniversaries (URS) so dear to us here at
The key dates are :
6th Rajab : URS - Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Ajmer Shareef
9th Rajab : URS - Sarkar-e-Kalan, Kicchcoha Shareef
12th Rajab : URS - A'laHadrat 'Ashrafi Miya', Kicchocha Shareef
16th Rajab : URS - Muhaddith-e-A'azam-e-Hind, Kicchcoha Shareef
27th Rajab : Shab-e-Meraj-an Nabi
The Dhikr of Rajab
1) Fasting
It is highly recommended to fast in this month of Rajab even for one day at least. A hadith says: Whosoever fasts a day in Rajab, the fire of hell will be away from him a distance of one year’s journey, and whosoever fasts 3 days in Rajab, will be entitled for Paradise.
Imam Ali (alaihi as-salaam) used to fast the whole month of Rajab. Many of his followers do the same.
2) Seeking Forgiveness (Estighfaar)
The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa Sallam) used to say: Rajab is a month of seeking forgiveness, so seek forgiveness from Allah (swt); He is verily the Forgiver, the Merciful. It is highly recommended to repeat ‘Astaghfirullaah wa as-aluhut tawbah’
3) Sadaqa and Charity
There is a big reward for sadaqa and charity in the month of Rajab. Those who cannot fast may give sadaqa to the poor every day, or recite ‘Subhana Ilalahil Jaleele Subhana Man la Yanbaghil Tasbeeho Illa Lahoo; Subhanal A`azzinil Akrame; Subhana Man Labisal Izza wa Howa Lahoo Ahlun.’
4) Repeating ‘Laa ilaaha illa-Allah’ 1000 times.
5) Repeating ‘Astaghfirullaaha zul jalale wal Ikraam min jamee' al zonoobe wal aathaam‘ 1000 times.
6) Repeating Sura Al Tawheed 'Qul-ho-wallaho Ahad' 1000 times to get the reward of 1000 Angels and blessings on the reciter, his / her children, family and neighbours.
7) It is recommended to recite 'Qul-ho-wallaho Ahad' 100 times every Friday in the month of Rajab.
May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) grant you more blessings in this month and every month to do more for the real future in Akhirah.
Important Dates and Anniversaries
2nd - Urs ; Hadrat Soofie Sahib, Riverside, Durban S.A.
4th - Wissal ; Hadrat Imam Shaf'i
5th - Urs ; Khawaja Hassan al Basri
6th - Urs ; Sultan al-Hind, Khawaja Muinuddin Hasan Chisti Ajmeri
9th - Urs ; Hadrat Sayyad Mukhtar Ashraf, Kicchocha Shareef
9th - Urs ; Hadrat Ibrahim bin Rasulullah
10th - Urs ; Hadrat Salman Farsi
10th - Yaum-e-Imam Ali Taqi
11th - Ghiyarvi Sharif ; Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
11th - Urs ; Hadrat Sayyad Abul Hasan Noori, Mahrerah Shareef
12th - Urs ; Hadrat Shah Ali Hussain Ashrafi Miya, Kicchocha Sharif
13th - Birth ; Hadrat Ali (Karam-Allahu Wajhu) Ka'aba Shareef
13th - Wissal ; Hadrat Sayyad Musa Jilani, Baghdad Shareef
14th - Urs ; Hadrat Sayyad Sipah Salar Masood Ghazi
15th - Urs ; Hadrat Imam Jafar Saddique, Madina Munawara
16th - Urs ; Hadrat Muhaddith al-A'zam, Kicchocha Shareef
17th - Urs ; Bibi Rukaiyya binte Rasulallah (alaihis salam)
20th - Urs ; Umm-ul Mu'mineen Bibi Zainab
22nd - Wissal ; Hadrat Imam Jafar Sadique
22nd - Wissal ; Hadrat Kazi Ziauddin, Newtini, Lucknow
24th - Victory at Khaybar
25th - Yaum-e-Imam Musa Kazim, Baghdad Shareef
26th - Shab-e-Miraj-un-Nabi
27th - Wissal ; Hadrat Shaykh Junaid Baghdadi, Baghdad Sharif
27th - Urs ; Muhaddith Imam Tirmidhi
27th - Victory ; Jerusalem
27th - Wissal ; Shaykh Abu Saleh Nasr, Baghdad Shareef
29th - Wissal ; Hadrat Imam Muhammad bin Idris Shafi'I,
The virtous Merit's of Sha'baan
Merits of Sha’baan and Nisful Sha’baan Shab-e-Bara’at From Ghunyat lit-Taalibi Of Sayyidinaa Al-Shaykh Muhyuddin Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani {Quddusus Sirruhoo al-Aziz} The Sixth DiscourseOn the special merit of the month of Sha’baan, and the divineforgiveness [maghfirah] and good pleasure [ridwaan] sent down on the middle night of that month. Hadrat A’isha, the wife of the Prophet (Sall Allahu alaihi wa aalihi wa Sallam wa Rahdiyallahu anhaa), is reported as having said : Allah’s Messenger (Sall Allahu alaihi wa aalihi wa Sallam) used to fast until we would say he was never going to stop fasting, and he would go so long without fasting that we would say he was never going to fast,but I never saw Allah’s Messenger (Salla Allahu alaihi wa aalihi wa Sallam) continue a fast from the beginning to the end of any month except the month of Ramadan, [apart from which] I never saw him do more fasting in any month than he did in Sha’baan. Hadrat ‘A’isha (Radi allahu anha) is also reported as having said: Allah’s Messenger (Sall Allahu alaihi wa aalihi wa Sallam)used to fast until we would say he was never going to stop fasting, and go so long without fasting that we would say he was never going to fast.The fasting he liked best was that he did in Shabaan, so I said to him: “O Messenger of Allah, how is it I always see you fasting in Sha’baan?” and he (SallAllahu alaihi wa aalihi wa Sallam) said: “O ‘A’isha,it is the month in which the Angel of Death has to note down the name of anyone whose soul he must take before the year is out,so I would rather he did not record my name except while I am fasting. ”Hadrat Umm Salama (Radhiyallahu anhaa) is reported as having said: In no other month, apart from Ramadan, did Allaah’s Messenger (Sall Allahu alaihi wa aalihi wa Sallim) fast more often than in Sha’baan. And that was because, each Sha’baan, all who must die in the course of that year have their names transcribed from the list of the living onto that of the dead, and a man may embark on a journey even while his name is listed among those about to die. Hadrat Anas [ibn Malik] (Radhiyallahu anhu ) once said: When asked about the most meritorious fasting, the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) said: “Fasting in Sha’baan, in honour of Ramadan. ”Hadrat ‘Ubaidu’llah ibn Qais once heard A’isha (Radiyallahu anha) say: “The dearest of months to Allah’s Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa alihi wa Sallam) was Shabaan,which he would link to Ramadan.' According to Hadrat ‘Abdullah (Radiyallahu anhu), Allah’s Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) once said: Anyone who fasts on the last Monday of Sha’baan will be granted forgiveness. - meaning the last Monday that falls within it, not as the very last day of the month, for it is forbidden to anticipate the month [of Ramadan] by one or two days. Anas ibn Malik (Radhiyallahu anhu) is the authority for the report that Allah’s Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) once said: “It is called Sha’baan simply because it is juxtaposed [yansha’ibu] to Ramadan, containing many blessings, while Ramadan is so called because it scorches [yurmidu] sins.” Allah (Exalted is He) has said: Your Lord creates and chooses what He wills. wa Rabbuka yakhluqu maa yasha’u wa yakhtaar. (Noble Qur’an, 28:68) Thus Allah (Exalted is He) has selected four out of each kind of thing, then He has chosen one of the four:From among the Angels, He selected Gabriel [Jibriil], Michael [Mikaa’il], Israafil and ‘Azraa’il, then He chose Gabriel from these four. From all the Ambiya (Sallallahu alayhim ajma’een), the four He selected were Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (Allah bless them all, and give them peace),then of these He chose Muhammad (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam). The four He selected from among the Companions (Radhiyallahu anhum) were Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmaan and ‘Ali, and His preferred choice was Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu anhu). The four mosques: The Sanctuary Mosque [by the Ka’ba in Makkah], al-Aqsaa Mosque [in Jerusalem], the Mosque of Madinah the Ennobled City, and the Mosque of Mount Sinai. Of these He chose the Sanctuary Mosque [al-Masjid al-Haraam]. The four days: The Day of Breaking Fast [Yawm al-Fitr], the Day of Sacrifice [Yawm al-Adha], the Day of ‘Arafa, and the Day of ‘Ashuraa.’ Of these He then chose the Day of ‘Arafa. The four nights: The Night of Absolution [Lailat al-Baraa’a], the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], the Night of Friday Congregation [Lailat al- Jum’a], and the Night of the Festival [Lailat al-‘Id]. Of these He chose the Night of Power. The four sites : Makkah, Madinah, Jerusalem, and the Mosques of the Tribes [Masajid al-‘Asha’ir]. Of these He chose Makkah. The four mountains: Uhud, Sinai, Likaam, and Lebanon [Lubnaan]. Of these He chose Mount Sinai. The four rivers: Jaihuun, Saihuun, the Euphrates [al-Furat] and the Nile [an-Niil]. Of these He chose the Euphrates. The four months: Rajab, Sha’baan, Ramadan, and al-Muharram. Of these He chose the month of Sha’baan, and made it the Prophet’s own month. So, just as Nabi (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Alihi wa Sallam) is the most excellent of Ambiya, his month is the most excellent of months. According to Abu Huraira (Radiyallahu anhu), the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) once said: “Sha’baan is my month, Rajab is Allah’s month, and Ramadan is the month of my Community. Sha’baan is the expiator, while Ramadan is the purifier.” He (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) also said : Sha’baan is a month between Rajab and Ramadan. People tend to neglect it, but that is when the deeds of His servants ascend to the Lord of All the Worlds, so I would rather mine rose up while I was fasting. According to Anas ibn Malik (Radhiyallahu anhu), the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) once said: “The excellence of Rajab over other months is like the excellence of the Qur’an over all other speech, while the excellence of Sha’baan over other months is like my excellence over the rest of the Prophets, and the excellence of Ramadaan over other months is like the excellence of Allah (Exalted is He) over all His creatures.” Anas ibn Malik (Radhiyallahu anhu) is also reported as having said: “When the Companions of the Prophet ( Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) beheld the new moon of Shaban,they would immerse themselves in reading their copies of the Qur’an.The Muslims would pay the alms-due [zakaat] assessed on their wealth, thereby providing the means for the weak and the poor to fortify themselves in preparation for the fasting of the month of Ramadaan.The governors would summon the prison inmates, to carry out the sentence on those convicted of major offences under Islamic law, and to set the rest free. Businessmen would set about paying their debts and collecting their dues.Then,when they beheld the new moon of Ramadan,they would bathe themselves and devote themselves to worship” On the meanings of the five Arabic letters of the word Sha’baan.The word Sha’baan [in the Arabic script] is spelled with five letters:shiin, ‘ain, baa’, alif and nuun. The shiin stands for sharaf [nobility], the ‘ain for ‘uluww [sublimity], the baa’ for birr [piety], the alif for ulfa [harmonious intimacy], and the nuun for nuur [radiant light]. These are the gifts from Allah ( Exalted is He ) to His servant in this month.It is a month in which treasures are laid open, in which blessings are sent down, in which faults are forsworn, in which sins are expiated, and in which benedictions are multiplied upon Muhammad (Sall Allahu alayhi wa 'aalihi wa Sallam), the best of human creatures. This is the month of blessings upon the Chosen Prophet. Allah (Exalted is He) has said, Inna ‘llaaha wa mala’ikata-hu yusalluna ‘ala ‘n-Nabiyy: yaa ayuha ‘lladhina aamanu sallu ’alai-hi wa sallimuu tasliimaa.(Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet.O you who believe invoke blessings upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation.) (Noble Qur'an 33:56) The blessing from Allah is mercy ; from the angels, intercession and petition for forgiveness; and from the believers, supplication and appreciation. According to Mujaahid (Radhiyallahu anhu): “The blessing from Allah is prosperity and virtue; from the angels, help and support; and from the believers, compliance and respect.” It was Ibn ‘Ataa’ who said: “The blessing on the Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) from Allah (Exalted is He) is conjunction, from the angels it is tender care,and from the believers it is following with affection” As someone else put it: “The blessing of the Lord ( Blessed and Exalted is He) upon His Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa alihi waSallim) is the enhancement of respect. The blessing of the angels upon him (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Sallam) is the display of gracious favour. The blessing of his Community upon him (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) is the request for intercession.” As he himself (The Noble Last Messenger, Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) has told us: When someone pronounces a single blessing on me, Allah blesses him ten times. Far from being negligent during this month, therefore, every conscientious believer is obliged to exert himself in preparation for the coming month of Ramadan, using the days that remain to get clear of sins and repent those committed in the past. One should beseech Allah (Exalted is He) in the month of Shabaan. One should appeal to Allah (Exalted is He) through the owner of the month, Muhammad ( Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam ), until the corruption of one’s heart is corrected,and the sickness of one’s inner being is cured. This must be done without delay and not put off until tomorrow, for the days are three: yesterday, which is a date in history [ajal]; today, which is a time for action [’amal]; and tomorrow, which is a hopeful expectation [amal], for whether you will get there or not is beyond your ken. Thus yesterday is a caution, today is an opportunity, and tomorrow is a risk. The months are likewise three: Rajab, now past and gone beyond return; Ramadaan, awaiting in a future you may not live to see; and in between we have Sha’baan, so let us seize this opportunity for worshipful devotion. The Prophet (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) once said to a man (some say it was ‘Abdu’llaah ibn ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, Radiyallahu anhu) by way of stern advice: Make the most of five before five: youth before old age; health before sick -ness; wealth before poverty; ease before business, and life before death. Concerning the Night of Absolution [Lailat al-Baraa’a], its special mercy, grace and merits. Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said: Ha-Mim. Ha-Mim: wa ‘l-Kitabi ‘l-mubini ina anzalna-hu fi lailatin mubarakatin. By the Book that makes plain; We sent it down on a blessed night. (Noble Qur'an 44:1-3) According to the greatest Faqih in al-Islam, Hadrat Ibn ‘Abbas (Radiy -allahu anhu, and with his father), “ ’Haa-Miim’ means that Allah has predetermined everything in existence till the Day of Resurrection.‘The Book that makes plain’ is the Qur’an, which is also the object referred to in ‘We sent it down.’ The ‘blessed night’ is the night of mid-Sha’baan, which is the Night of Absolution.” In the Qur’an, Allah (Exalted is He) calls many things ‘blessed,’ including the Qur’an itself, of which He has said: Wa hadhaa dhikrun mubaarakun anzalnaa-h. This is a blessed Reminder that We have revealed (Noble Qur'an 21:50). Part of its blessedness is that one who reads it and believes in it enjoys right guidance and salvation from the Fire, and these benefits are also passed by extension to his ascendants and descendants. As the Noble Nabi (Sall Allahu alaihi wa aalihi wa Sallam) has said: When someone reads the Qur’an from the written text, Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) alleviates the torment of his parents, even if they were unbelievers. One of the things Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) calls ‘blessed’ is water, for He has said: Wa nazzalnaa mina ‘s-samaa’i maa’an mubaarakan. And down from the sky We have sent blessed water. (Noble Qur'an 50:9) Part of its blessedness lies in the fact that all life depends on it. In the words of Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He): wa ja’alnaa mina ‘l-maa’i kulla shai’in hayy: a-fa-laa yu’minuun.And We made every living thing from water Will they not then believe? (Noble Qur'an 21:30). Water is said to contain ten subtle properties:delicateness,suppleness, energy, fluency, limpidity, mobility, moistness, coolness, humility and vitality.Allah (Exalted is He) has imbued the conscientious believer [mu’min labiib] with these same properties, namely, refinement of the heart, flexibility of temperament,energy in obedient service, politeness of the personality,purity of behavior, movement in good works, moist -ness in the eye, coolness toward sinful transgressions,humility toward fellow creatures, and vitality in heeding the truth. The olive tree is another thing called ‘blessed’ by Allah (Exalted and Glorious is He): Min shajaratin mubaarakatin zaituunatin. From a blessed tree, an olive. (Noble Qur'an 24:35) This was the first tree from which Adam (peace be upon him) ate when he was cast down to earth. It contains nourishment and enlightenment. In the words of Allah (Exalted is He): Wa sibghin li’l-aakiliin.“And relish for the eaters.” (Noble Qur'an 23:20) Some say the ‘blessed tree’ is Sayyidinaa Ibrahim (Alayhis-Salam), some say it is the Noble Qur'an,and others say it is true faith.Still others say it is the tranquil soul of the believer, insistent on good conduct, obedient to commandment, restrained by prohibition, submitted to destiny, conforming to the Lord in what He has decreed and ruled. Hadrat Isa (Jesus) Alayhis-Salam is also among those Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) calls ‘blessed’: Wa ja’ala-nii mubaarakan aina-maa kuntu. [Jesus said]: “And He has made me blessed wherever I may be.” (Noble Qur'an 19:31) His blessedness ( peace be upon him ) includes the sprouting of the fruit from the date palm for his faithful mother, Hadrat Maryam (The Blessed Mother Mary, peace be upon both mother and son), and the gushing forth of water beneath him. In the words of the Almighty and Glorious One: Fa-nadaa-haa min tahti-haa allaa tahzani qad ja’ala Rabbu-ki tahta-ki sariyyaa: wa huzzii ilai-ki bi-jidh’i ‘n-nakhlati tusaaqit ‘alai-ki rutaban janiyyaa: fa-kulii wa ‘shrabii wa qarrii ‘ainaa.” Then [a voice] cried to her from below her, saying: “Grieve not, for your Lord has placed a rivulet beneath you. And shake the trunk of the palm -tree toward you: It will cause ripe dates to fall upon you. So eat and drink and be consoled. (Noble Qur'an 19:24-26) . Among other good deeds and miracles, he healed the blind and cured the leper, and brought the dead to life by his supplication.The Ka’ba is one of the things called blessed by Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He): Inna awwala Baitin wudi’a li’n-naasi la-‘lladhii bi-Bakkata mubaarakan. The first House appointed for mankind was that at Bakka, a blessed place. (Noble Qur'an 3:96) Part of its blessedness is that one who enters it, bearing a heavy load of sins, will come out having been forgiven. Allah (Exalted is He) has said: Wa man dakhala-hu kaana aaminaa. And anyone who enters it is safe. (Noble Qur'an 3:97) So if someone enters the House as a believer, aware of his sins and repentant, Allah waives his punishment, accepts his repentance and forgives him. It is also said that anyone who enters it is immune to wrongdoing, as long as he remains within the Sacred Precinct. It is therefore unlawful to kill the game there, or to fell the trees. The sanctity of the Ka’ba is due to the sanctity of Allah, the sanctity of the Mosque to the sanctity of the Ka’ba,the sanctity of the Makkah to the sanctity of the Mosque, and the sanctity of the Sacred Precinct to the sanctity of Makkah As it is said: “The Ka’ba is a Qibla [direction of prayer] for the people of the Mosque, the Mosque is a Qibla for the people of Makkah, Makkah is a Qibla for the people of the Sacred Precinct, and the Sacred Precinct is a Qibla for the people of the earth. The Night of Absolution has also been called ' blessed ', because it is a vessel for the mercy, blessing, benefit, pardon and forgiveness descend -ing for the people on earth. According to Abuu Nasr, the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) is reported as having said: On the night of the middle of Sha’baan, Allah (Exalted is He) descends to the heaven of this lower world and forgives every Muslim, excepting only the idolater, the bearer of malice,the breaker of family ties, or the woman who is sexually promiscuous. Again from Abuu Nasr, we learn that Hadrat A’isha (Radiyallahu anha) once said: “When it was the night of mid-Sha’baan, the Prophet (Sall Allahu alaihi wa aalihi wa Sallim) had removed a garment of mine.” Then she added,"By Allaah! That garment of mine was not of silk nor of raw silk, nor of linen, nor of silk and wool, nor of wool.” [The reporter said:]“’Glory be to Allah!’ I said to her, ‘So what was it made of?” She replied: “Its warp was of hair and its weft was of silk. I reckoned that he (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) might have gone to one of his [other] wives, so I got up and searched for him in the [darkness of the] apartment.My hand made contact with his feet,as he was prostrate in worship. Of his prayer (Salla Allahu alaihi wa alihi wa Sallam), I remember these words: Prostrate before You are my form and my spirit, and my heart is in Your safekeeping.I acknowledge Your favors,and to You I confess my sin.I have wronged myself, so forgive me;surely none forgives sins but You. I seek refuge with Your pardon from Your punishment, with Your mercy from Your vengeance, with Your approval from Your displeasure.I seek refuge with You from You. I do not tell Your praises, for You are as You have extolled Your -self. She continued: “So he did not cease from worship, now standing and now sitting [on his heels], until morning came.Then his feet were put up, and as I massaged them I said: ‘My father be your ransom and my mother too! Surely Allaah has forgiven your former and your latter sins? Surely Allaah has dealt with you? Is it not so? Is it not so?’ “He replied (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam):‘O A’isha, shall I not therefore be a grateful servant? Do you know what happens during this night?’ ‘What happens ?’ I asked, and he said : ‘ This is when all births are recorded for this year, and every death is registered.This is when provisions are allotted to mankind, and their deeds and actions are gathered up.’ “’O Messenger of Allaah,’ said I, ‘Will no one enter Paradise except by Allaah’s mercy?’ ‘No one will enter Paradise except by Allaah’s mercy,’ he told me ( Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam).‘Not even you?’ I asked. ‘Not even I,’ said he ( Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam ), ‘unless Allaah envelops me with His mercy.’ Then he rubbed his hand over his head and his face.” The following account, which I also received from Abuu Nasr, tells how Hadrat A’isha (Radiyallahu anha) related that Allah’s Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) once said to her: “O ‘A’isha, what night is this?” She replied, “Allaah and His Messenger know best.” Then he said: “The night of the middle of Sha’ban, during which worldly actions and the needs of mankind are carried aloft. As numerous as the wool on the flocks of the tribe of Kalb, are Allaah’s slaves emancipated this night from the Fire of Hell. So will you excuse me tonight?” She said: “I said yes, so he performed his prayer like this: He held the upright position only briefly, and recited al-Hamd and a short Suura; then he stayed in prostration till the middle of the night; then he stood up to begin the second cycle with a recitation similar to the first, and then his prostration lasted until dawn.” A’isha (Radiyallahu anha) went on to say:“I watched him till I thought that Allah (Exalted is He) had taken His Messenger ( Salla Allahu alayhi wa Alihi wa Sallam), then,after a long time had elapsed, I got close enough to touch the soles of his feet. He stirred, and I heard him say in his prostration: ‘I take refuge with Your pardon from Your punishment. I take refuge with Your approval from Your displeasure. I take refuge with You from You. Glorious be Your praise! I do not spell out praises upon You, for You are as You have extolled Yourself.’ “I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, tonight I have heard you utter some -thing, during your prostration, that I never heard you mention before?’‘And have you learned it?’ he asked (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam). When I said yes, he (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) told me: ‘Study those words and teach them, for Gabriel (peace be upon him) instructed me to repeat them during the prostration.’”According to another report, of which Abu Nasr informed me, Hadrat A’isha (Radiyallahu anha) once said: “I could not find Allah’s Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) one night, so I went outside and there he was in the grove, his head turned up toward the sky. Then he said to me: ‘Were you afraid that Allah and His Messenger would treat you unfairly?’ I replied: ‘O Messenger of Allaah,I thought you had gone to one of your [other] wives.’He said (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam): ‘On the night of mid-Sha’baan, Allah (Exalted is He) descends to the lowest heaven and forgives more than the number of woolly hairs on the flocks and herds of [the tribe of] Kalb.’ ‘Ikrima (may Allah bestow his mercy upon him), the client of Hazrat Ibn ‘Abbaas (Radhiyallahu anhu and with his father), is reported as having said, about the words of Allah (Exalted is He): Fii-haa yufraqu kullu amrin hakiim. [A night] in which every firm decree is made distinct. (Noble Qur'an, 44:4) “That is the night of mid-Sha’baan, when Allah (Exalted is He) arranges the affairs of the year. He transfers [some of] the living to the list of the dead, and records those who will make pilgrimage to the House of Allah, neither adding one too many nor leaving a single one of them out.” Hakiim ibn Kaysaan said: “Allah (Exalted is He) surveys His creatures on the night of mid-Sha’baan, and when He purifies someone then, He keeps that person clean until the next such night comes around.” According to ‘Ataa’ ibn Yasaar: “The activity of the year is mapped out on the night of mid-Sha’baan, so a man may embark on a journey, or get married, when he has already been transferred from the list of the living to that of the dead.” Abu Nasr informed me that Hadrat A’isha (Radiyallahu anha) once said: “I heard the Nabi (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Alihi wa Sallam) say: Allaah showers down benefits on four nights: the Night of Sacrifice; the Night of Breakfast; the Night of mid-Sha’baan, when Allaah records times of death and allots provisions, and lists the pilgrims; and the Night of ‘Arafa till the call to prayer.According to Sa’id, it was Ibraahim ibn Abii Najih who said: “[The number of those nights is ] five, including the Night of Friday Congregation.” Hadrat Abu Huraira (Radhiyallahu anhu) reported the Noble Nabi (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) as saying: Gabriel (Alayhi-Salam) came to me on the night of mid-Shaban and said to me:"O Muhammad, raise your head heavenwards!" I asked him: “What night is this?” and he replied: “This is the night when Allaah (Glorified is He) opens three hundred of the gates of mercy, forgiving all who do not make anything His partner. The only exceptions are those who practice sorcery or divination, are addicted to wine, or persist in usury and illicit sex; these He does not forgive until they repent.” At a quarter of the night,Gabriel (peace be upon him) came down and said: "O Muhammad, raise your head!” So I looked up, to behold the gates of Paradise wide open. At the first gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who bow in worship this night!” At the second gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who prostrate themselves in worship this night!” At the third gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who offer supplication this night!” At the fourth gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who make remembrance this night!” At the fifth gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who weep this night from fear of Allaah!”At the sixth gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who submit this night!” At the seventh gate an angel was calling: “Will anyone ask, that his request may be granted?” At the eighth gate an angel was calling: “Will anyone seek forgiveness, that he may be forgiven?” I said: “O Gabriel, how long will these gates remain open?” He replied: “From the beginning of the night until the break of dawn.” Then he said: “O Muhammad, tonight Allaah has as many slaves emancipated from the Fire as the number of woolly hairs on the flocks and herds of Kalb.” On why the Night of Absolution [Laylat al-Bara’ah] is so called. Some say it is called the Night of Absolution [Laylat al-Bara’ah] because it contains two absolutions: an absolution for wretched sinners from the All-Merciful, and an absolution from disappoint -ment for the Friends [of Allaah]. Allah’s Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam) is reported as having said: When the night of mid-Sha’ban arrives, Allaah makes careful scrutiny of His creatures, then He forgives the true believers, gives respite to the unbelievers, and leaves the resentful to their resentment until they call for Him. It is said that the angels have two Nights of Festival in heaven, just as the Muslims have two Days of Festival on earth. The angels celebrate the Night of Absolution and the Night of Power, while the Muslims celebrate the Day of Breakfast and the Day of Sacrifice. The angels have their festivals at night, because they never sleep, while the believers have theirs by day because they do sleep. Concerning the wisdom in the decision of Allah (Exalted is He) to make known [the date of] the Night of Absolution, while concealing [that of] the Night of Power, it has been said to lie in the fact that the Night of Power is the night of mercy and forgiveness and emancipation from the fires of Hell, which Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) has kept hidden so that there can be no discussion about it. He has made known the Night of Absolution, however, because it is the night of regulation and decree, the night of displeasure and approval, the night of acceptance and rejection, of attainment and obstruction, the night of bliss and woe, of grace and cleansing. Thus one is favored while another is put off; one is requited while another is abased; one is treated generously while another is deprived; one is rewarded while another is shunned. Many a shroud is washed, while its owner is still busy in the bazaar.Many a grave is dug, while its owner is deluded with pleasure. Many a mouth is laughing, though it will soon be perishing. Many a house is under construction for an owner close to destruction. Many a servant expects a reward, while punishment awaits him. Many a servant hopes for good news, while disappointment lies in store.Many a servant looks forward to Paradise, while the fires of Hell are ready for him. Many a servant hopes for union, while separation lies ahead.Many a servant hopes for a gift, while agony awaits him. Many a servant is expecting wealth, while death is expecting him. It is said of Hadrat al-Hasan al-Basri (Radiyallahu anhu) that he came out of his house on the day of mid-Sha’baan, looking as if he had been buried in the grave and then disinterred.When asked about this, he said: “By Allah, what is the plight of a shipwrecked sailor, when compared to my own ?” “Why is that ?” “Because I am certain of my sins, but I tremble over my good deeds, for I know not whether they will be accepted of me or rejected.” Concerning the Prayer of Benefits [ Salaat al-Khair ], traditionally performed on the night of mid-Sha’ban. As for the ritual prayer traditional for the night of mid-Sha’baan, it consists of one hundred Rak'at, including one thousand repetitions of “Qul Huwa’llahu Ahad [Say:‘He is Allah, Ahad!’]”(that is to say, ten recitations in each cycle [rak’a]).This prayer is called Salat al-Khair [ the Prayer of Benefits ], and its blessings are many and varied. Our righteous predecessors used to gather to perform it in congregation. It contains much merit and rich reward. It is reported of al-Hasan [al-Basri] (may Allaah bestow His mercy upon him) that he once said: “Thirty of the Companions of Allah’s Messenger (Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) related to me that Allah will look seventy times upon one who performs this prayer on this night, and with each glance He will fulfill seventy of that person’s needs, the least of them being forgiveness.” It is also commendable to perform this prayer on the fourteen nights on which vigil is recommended, as we mentioned in [ the chapter concerning ] the merits of Rajab, so that the worshiper may thereby obtain this grace, this merit and reward. This brings us to the end of the Sixth Discourse. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds! [al-hamdu li’llaahi Rabbi ‘l-‘aalamiin]. Courtesy of Brother Ruslan Moore At “Al Baz Publications” where the complete translation of Ghunyat Lit Talibi is available Du’aa-e-Nisful Sha’baanBismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Allahumma yaa Dhal Manni wa Laa yumannu ‘alaih, Yaa Dhal Jalaali wal Ikraam. Yaa Dhut Tawli wal in’aam. Laa ilaahi illaa anta Dhahrul laajeena wal jaarul Mustajeereen. Wa amaanul Khaa-e-feen. Allahumma in kunta katabtanee ‘indaka fee Ummil Kitaabi shaqiyyan aw mahrooman aw matroodan aw muqattaran ‘alayya fir rizqi famh. Allahumma bifadhlika shaqawatee wa hirmanee wa tardee waqtitaara rizqee wathbitnee ‘indaka fee Ummil Kitaabi sa’eedam marzooqam muwaffaqan lil khayraat. Fa innaka qulta wah qawlukal haqqu fee kitaabikal munazzali ‘alaa lisaani Nabiyyikal Mursal.Yamhullahu ma yashaa-u wayuthbitu wa ‘indahu Ummul Kitab. Ilaahi bit Tajallil ‘Atham, fee laylatin Nisfi min Shahri Sha’baanal Mukarram Allatee yufraqu fihaa kulli Amrin Hakeemiw wa yubram. Antakshifa ‘annaa minal bala-e maa na’lamu wa la na’lam.Wa anta bihee ‘alam.Inaka antal A’azul Akram . Wa Sall Allahu ta ‘alaa ‘Alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadiw Wa ‘alaa Alihi wa Sahbihi wa Sallim. Wal Hamdulillahi Rabbil 'Aalameen. The transliteration should not be thought of as a suitable substitute Laylat al-Bura'ah is the Night of Salvationfor the original Arabic. (Shab-e-Baraat) How to welcome the night What to recite immediately after sunset Countless mercies The visitors of the night Visit to the cemetry To keep fast How to spend the night Do not be amongst the deprived of mercy A humble appeal to seek pardon and ask Allah's frogiveness Nafil Salah to be read on Shab-e-Baraat : 1) Basharat of Jannat 2) Guarding of Imaan 3) Barakah in Rizq4) Long life filled with Piety 5) Reward for 10 thousand good deeds 6) Death with complete faith and Imaan |
Important anniversaries and dates of Shabaan
2nd - Wissal; Imam al-Azam Hadrat Abu Hanifa, Baghdad
3rd - Birth; Shahid-e-Karbala, Hadrat Imam Hussain
3rd - Urs; Umm-ul Mu'mineen Bibi Hafsah
3rd - Urs; Hadrat Shaykh Abul Farah Tartusi, Baghdad
3rd - Urs; Hadrat Meer Sayyad Ahmad, Kalpi Shareef
4th - Hijrat; Hadrat Imam Husain (Makkah to Madinah)
6th - Wissal; Bibi Kulsum binte Rasulallah (alaihi asalam)
6th - Chatti Sharif; Gharib Nawaz, Khawaja Muinuddin Hasan Chisti Ajmer Shareef
7th - Urs; Hazrat S.A.S Mauhzoomi
11th - Ghiyarween Shareef; Ghawth al A'zam as-Sayyad Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
12th - Martydom; Hadrat Muhammad bin Kassim, Egypt
14th - Urs; Sayyad Muhammad Khalid Shah Chisti Sabiree
15th - Shab-e-Barat
15th - Urs; Hadrat Ba Yazid Bistami, Iran
25th - Urs; Meer Sayyad Muhammad, Kalpi Shareef
27th - Wissal; Shaykh Abus Saeed Makhzoomi, Baghdad
30th - Birth; 'Ghous Paak' Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar. The word Ramadan is derived from the arabic word 'al-Ramz' which signifies "to burn." Ramadan burns the sins of the one who fasts in it, and who engages in pious deeds in abundance. This helps to burn the sins, hence the name given to this month is Ramadan. For your complete Ramadan and fasting guide please go here.
Important dates and Anniversaries of Ramadan :
3rd - Wissal ; Khatoon-e-Jannat Bibi Fatma Zahra,Madinah
3rd - Wissal ; Hadrat Khawaja Sirri Sakti, Baghdad Shareef
6th - Chatti Shareef ; Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
9th - Wissal ; Hadrat Abdullah ibne Masoud
10th - Wissal ; Umm-al Mu'mineen Hadrat Khadija t'al-Qubra
11th - Ghiyarwee Sharif ; Hadrat Shaykh Abd'al Qadir al-Jilani
14th - Urs ; Saeed Shah Bukhari, Orissa
14th - Wissal ; Hadrat Shah Aleh Hamza, Mahrerah Shareef
14th - Wissal ; Hadrat Shamsuddin Aleh Ahmad, Mahrerah Shareef
17th - Wissal ; Umm-al Mu'mineen Hadrat Ayesha Siddeeq, Madinah
17th - Urs ; Khawaja Nasirudin Chiragh Chisti, Delhi
17th - Battle of Badr
17th - Wissal Hadrat Sayyad Muhammad Iqbal Shah Chisti Sabiree
18th - Urs ; Hadrat Khawaja Bahauddin Naqshbandi, Bukhara
18th - Urs ; Hadrat Rehan Raza Khan, Bareilly Shareef
20th - Victory at Makkah
21st - Martyrdom ; Amir-al-Mu'mineen Hadrat Ali, Najaf, Iraq
21st - Urs ; Hadrat Shams Tabrezi, Multan Pakistan
22nd - Wissal ; Hadrat Imam Ibne Majah
26th - Birth ; Amir-al-Mu'mineen Hadrat Uthman Zun-Noorayn
26th - Yaum-e-Pakistan Last Friday : Juma-t'al-Wilda
27th - Lailat al-Qadr ; Revelation of the Qur'an al-Kareem
27th - Urs ; Hadrat Salim Chisti, Fatehpur Sikri
30th - Shaykh Jamal al-Awliya, Rampur, India
Shawwal : Is the tenth month of the Islamic Calendar.
Meaning of the word Shawwaal:- Uplift/breakage. Before Islam, Arabs believed that any marriage held in Shawwaal would always turn out to be unsuccessful. Hence, the month deprived the above metioned meanings, however the superstitious belief was later abolished.
The month Shawwal:- From the months of Hajj, Shawwaal is the first of them. The first day of Shawwal is Eid-Ul-Fitr and also the day when sins are forgiven.
Six fasts of Shawwal:- In the month of Shawwal it is Sunnah to keep six fasts, as narrated in the following Hadith by Abu Ayyub Ansaru (Radi Allahu anhu) that the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) has said, "If one throughout his life keeps the fasts of Ramadan and keeps six consecutive fasts in Shawwal it will be as though he has kept a whole life time of fasts, and if one keeps the six consecutive fasts for one Shawwal month it will be as though he has observed fast all year round."
Events which took place in Shawwal:- 1) Hadrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah (Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) was born in Shawwal four years after Prophethood which is nine years before Hijrah.
2) Hadrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah (Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) was married in this month ten years after Prophethood which is three years before Hijrah.
3) The fight between Banu Qaynaqaa took place between the battle of Badr and Uhud (Shawwal 2 A.H. after Hijrah)
4) The battle of Uhud also took place in Shawwal, three years after Hijrah.
5) Hadrat Imam Hussain (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) the Beloved Prophet's (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) grandson (son of Hadrat Fatima Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) was born in the month of Shawwal four years after Hijrah.
6) The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) married Hadhrat Umme Salamah (Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) in Shawwal in the fourth year after Hijrah.
7) Hadrat Aa'ishah Siddiqah's (Radi Allahu ta'ala anha) mother passed away in 5 A.H.
8) The Beloved Prophet's (Salla Allahu ta'ala alayhi wa aalihi wa Sallam) uncle Abu Talib departed from this world during the middle of Shawwal in the year 5 A.H.
9) Imam Bukhari (Radi Allahu anhu) was born on a Friday of Shawwal in the year 194 A.H.
The Blessed Month of Shawwal
- Beginning of the Ashur-ul-Hajj
- Eid-ul-fitr
- The Night Preceding 'Eid-ul-Fitr'
- Before Going to Eid Prayer
- Sadaqat-ul-fitr
- The 'Eid Prayer
- How to Perform Eid Prayer
- Khutbah: The Address of 'Eid-ul-fitr
- Six Fasts in the Month of Shawwal
Beginning of the Ashur-ul-Hajj
Shawwal is the first of the three months named as "Ashhur al-Hajj" (i.e. the months of Hajj). Although the major acts of Hajj are normally performed in the first ten days of Zulhijjah, yet the whole period starting from the first of Shawwal up to the 10th of Zulhijjah is held to be the period of Hajj because some acts of Hajj can be performed any time during this period. For example, the Tawaf-ul-qudum, followed by the Sai' of Hajj cannot be performed before Shawwal, while it can be performed any day after the beginning of Shawwal. Similarly, an 'Umrah performed before Shawwal cannot be treated as the 'Umrah of Tamattu: while the 'Umrah performed in Shawwal can be affiliated to the Hajj, making it a Hajj of Tamattu: Moreover, ihram of Hajj should not be started before Shawwal, because it makruh. For these reasons these three months have been named as the 'months of Hajj' and the month of Shawwal has the distinction of being the first of these.Eid-ul-fitr
The second meritorious aspect of Shawwal is that it has been chosen by Allah Almighty for the celebration of "Eid-ul-fitr", one of the only two annual festivals recognized by the Shari'ah. This happy day is designed by the Shari'ah as a sign of gratefulness by the Muslims on the accomplishment of Ramadan, and as an immediate reward by Allah for those who spent the month of Ramadan in fasting and performing other forms of 'ibadah.
Instead of commemorating an event from the past, the Shari'ah has prescribed the first of Shawwal as an annual festival for the Muslims at an occasion when they themselves accomplish a great 'ibadah. This approach reminds the Muslims that they should not rely only on the accomplishments of their ancestors, rather, they should themselves perform meritorious acts to please their Creator.
In prescribing the ways to celebrate the happy day, Islam has adopted another unique approach. The festivals of other religions or nations normally comprise of some acts of rejoicing and enjoyment. The whole happy day is normally spent in dancing, singing and playing.
In contrast, Islam has prescribed a simple yet graceful way to observe the happy day. First of all, it is mandatory on all the well-off Muslims to start their day by paying "Sadaqat-ul-fitr" to the poor of their society, so that they, too, may enjoy the day along with others, and may not be worried for earning their livelihood at least on that day of happiness.
After paying the "Sadaqat-ul-fitr", the Muslims are required to proceed to an open place where they can offer the Eid prayer collectively. In this way, they are supposed to present themselves before their Creator and offer two rak'ats of this special type of Salah, which makes them receive blessings from Allah and start their celebration by these divine blessings.
After the Salah also, they are supposed to rejoice the day in a responsible manner, without violating the limits prescribed for them and never indulging in the acts prohibited by Allah.
Keeping this point in view, we will now discuss specific rules prescribed for observing the day of Eid-ul-fitr.
It had been the practice of the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, that he would not sleep in the night preceding the day of Eid-ul-fitr. This night has been named in a Hadith as the Night of Reward (Lailatul Jaiza). Almighty bestows his rewards on those who have spent the month of Ramadan abiding by the dictates of Shari'ah, and all their prayers in this night are accepted. Therefore, it is desirable to perform nafl prayers in this night. The Most Beloved Prophet, Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, is reported to have said:
Before Going to Eid Prayer
The following acts are prescribed as Sunnah at the beginning of the day of 'Eid-ul-Fitr before proceeding to the Eid prayer: 2. To clean one's teeth with a Miswaak or a brush.
3. To take a bath.
4. To put on one's best available clothes.
5. To wear perfume.
6. To eat a sweet food, preferably dates, before the Eid prayer.
7. To recite the following Takbir in the low voice while going to the 'Eid prayer:
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Ila Allah Wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa Lillahi Alhamd
Sadaqat-ul-fitr is an obligation for every Muslim, male or female, who owns 613.35 grams of silver or its equivalent, either in the form of money, ornaments, stock-in-trade, or in the form of some goods or commodities beyond one's normal needs. Every person who owns such an amount has to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr, not only on behalf of himself but also on behalf of his minor children. The prescribed amount of Sadaqat-ul-fitr is 1.75 Kilograms of wheat or its value in money. This amount is prescribed for paying Sadaqat-ul-fitr for one person only. If a person has some minor children, the same amount has to be paid on behalf of each one of them separately. The following points must be remembered concerning the payment of Sadaqat-ul-fitr. 2. It is a Sunnah that the Sadaqat-ul-fitr is paid before performing the 'Eid prayer. It can also be paid before the 'Eid day, but it is not advisable to delay it up to the performance of'Eid prayer. However, if a person has failed to pay on its proper time, he should pay it as soon as possible, whereby the obligation will stand discharged.
3. The Sadaqat-ul-fitr is not necessary on behalf of a child who was born after the break of dawn in the 'Eid day, nor is it necessary to pay Sadaqat-ul-fitr on behalf of a person who dies before the dawn of the Eid day.
4. Sadaqat-ul-fitr should be paid only to a person who is entitled to receive Zakah.
The second obligation on 'Eid day is to perform the 'Eid prayer. Some rules in this respect are mentioned hereunder:
1. The Eid prayer is Wajib (obligatory) on every male Muslim.
2. The Eid prayer can be performed any time between the Ishraq and Zawal.
3. It is preferable that the 'Eid prayer is performed at an open field and not in a mosque. However, if, it is difficult for any reason to perform it in an open field, it can also be performed in a big mosque.
4. It is not advisable to hold the 'Eid prayer in every mosque, rather it is preferable that the people from several small mosques get together to either perform it in an open field or, in its absence, in a big mosque which can accommodate a large number of people.
5. No Nafl Salah can be performed before the 'Eid prayer, neither in one's home, nor at the place of' Eid prayer. Similarly, Nafl prayer cannot be performed after the Eid prayer at the same place. However, it can be performed after one comes back to his home.
6. The Eid prayer has neither Adhan nor Iqamah.
How to Perform Eid Prayer
The Eid Prayer has two rak'ah to perform in the normal way, with the only addition of six takbirs, three of them in the beginning of the first rak'ah, and three of them just before ruku' in the second rak'ah. The detailed way of performing the 'Eid prayer is as follows:
The Imam will begin the prayer without Adhan or Iqamah. He will begin the prayer by reciting takbir of Tahrimah (Allahu Akbar). You should raise your hands up to the ears, and reciting the takbir, you give a little pause during which you should recite Thana' (Subhanak Allahumma.......)· After the completion of Thana' the Imam will recite takbir (Allahu Akbar) three times, and after reciting each Takbir (Allahu Akbar) in a low voice, you should bring your hands down and leave them earthwards. But, after the third takbir, you should set them at the level of your navel as you do in the normal prayer.
After these three takbirs the Imam will recite the Noble Qur'an, which you should listen quietly. The rest of the rak'ah will be performed in the normal way.
After rising for the second rak'ah, the Imam will begin the recitations from the Qur'an during which you should remain calm and quiet. When the Imam finishes his recitation, he will recite three takbirs once again, but this time it will be before bowing down for ruku'. At each takbir you should raise your hands up to the ears, and after saying "Allahu Akbar' bring them down and leave them earthwards. After these three takbirs have been called and completed, the Imam will say another takbir for bowing down into the ruku' position. At this takbir you need not raise your hands. You just bow down for your ruku' saying, 'Allahu Akbar'. The rest of the Salah will be performed in its usual way.
Khutbah: The Address of 'Eid-ul-fitr
In this Salah, Khutbah is a Sunnah and is delivered after the Salah, unlike the Salah of Jumu'ah where it is Fard and is delivered before the Salah. However, listening to the Khutbah of 'Eid Salah is wajib or necessary and must be heard in perfect peace and silence.
It is a sunnah that the Imam begins the first Khutba by reciting takbirs 'Allahu Akbar' nine times and the second Khutbah with reciting it seven times.
Note: The way of 'Eid prayer described above is according to the Hanafi school of Muslim jurists. Some other jurists, like Imam Shafi'i, have some other ways to perform it. They recite Takbir twelve times before beginning the recitations from the Holy Qur'an in both rak'ah. This way is also permissible. If the Imam, being of the Shafi'i school, follows this way, you can also follow him. Both ways are based on the practice of the Beloved Prophet, Salla Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam.
Six Fasts in the Month of Shawwal
It is commendable to keep six fasts in the month of Shawwal. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, has said:
Concerning the ritual prayer of those emancipated (From the fire of Hell) in the month Shawwal (salat al-'utaqa' fi Shawwal)
Excerpted from Ghunya al-Talibin li-Tariq al-Haqq
by Sayidduna Ya Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu)
As for the ritual prayer of those who are emancipated [from the Fire of Hell] in [the month of] Shawwal [salat al-’utaqa’ fi Shawwal], we learn from a traditional report, transmitted [by a chain of reliable authorities] from Anas [ibn Malik]* (may Allah be well pleased with him), that Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said: "If someone performs eight cycles of ritual prayer [raka’at] in the month of Shawwal, either during the night or during the day-reciting in each cycle the Opening Sura of the Book [Fatihat al-Kitab] [one time] and "Qul Huwa'llahu Ahad [Say: 'He is Allah, One!']" fifteen times-and if, when he has finished performing his ritual prayer [salat], he glorifies Allah [sabbaha] seventy times, and invokes Allah's blessing upon the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) seventy times -- by Him who sent me as a Prophet bearing the Truth [bi'l-Haqqi Nabiyyan], no servant [of the Lord] will perform this ritual prayer [salat], without Allah causing the fountains of wisdom [yanabi’ al-hikma] to well up in his heart, and causing his tongue to speak with wisdom, and showing him both the sickness of this world and the cure for that sickness.
By Him who sent me as a Prophet bearing the Truth [bi'l-Haqqi Nabiyyan], if someone performs this ritual prayer [salat], exactly as I have just described it, that person will not raise his head from his final prostration [sujud] until Allah has granted him forgiveness, and if he dies, he will die as a martyr [shahid] to whom forgiveness has been granted.
Nor will any servant [of the Lord] perform this ritual prayer [salat], in the course of a journey, without Allah making it smooth and easy for him to travel and arrive at his intended destination. If he is burdened with debt, Allah will settle his debt. If he is needy, Allah will satisfy his needs.
By Him who sent me as a Prophet bearing the Truth [bi'l-Haqqi Nabiyyan], no servant [of the Lord] will perform this ritual prayer [salat], without Allah (Exalted is He) granting him -- for every letter [harf] and every verse [aya] [of his Qur’anic recitation] --a makhrafa in the Garden of Paradise."
Someone asked: "And what is this makhrafa, O Messenger of Allah?" So he went on to explain (Allah bless him and give him peace):
"[The term makhrafa is applied to] orchards in the Garden of Paradise, through which the rider may travel for a hundred years without passing beyond the shade of just one of the trees that grow there."
ISNAD FOR THE HADITH as provided by Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah be pleased with him: This report was conveyed to us by Shaykh Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn al-Banna’, on the authority of his father, Shaykh Abu ‘Ali ibn Ahmad ibn ‘Abdi'llah ibn al-Banna’, who cited the following chain of transmission [isnad]: Abu ‘Abdi'llah al-Husain ibn ‘Umar al-’Allaf -- Abu 'l-Qasim al-Qadi [the Judge] -- Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Siddiq -- Ya’qub ibn ‘Abd ar-Rahman -- Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Ja’far al-Marwazi -- ’Ali ibn Ma’ruf -- Muhammad ibn Mahmud -- Yahya ibn Shubaib-Hamid -- Anas [ibn Malik] (may Allah be well pleased with him) -- the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).
Important Islamic Dates and Anniversaries of Shawwal :
1st - Eid al-Fitr
1st - Urs ; Hadrat Imam Fakhruddin Razi
4th - Nikah ; Bibi Hadrat Ayesha Siddeeqa
5th - Urs ; Makhdoom Yahya Mistri
5th - Wissal ; Umm-al Mu'mineen Hadrat Sawda
6th - Urs ; Hadrat Khawaja Usman Harooni, Makkah Shareef
6th - Battle of Uhud (3rd year of Hijra)
6th - Wissal ; Sayyad Tajuddin Abdur Razzaq, Baghdad Shareef
7th - Urs ; Hadrat Abd'al Aziz Muhaddith Dehlvi, Delhi
7th - Battle of Hunain (8th year of Hijra)
9th - Urs ; Hadrat Owais al-Qarani
9th - Urs ; Hadrat Imam Bukhari, Bukhara Shareef
10th - Birth ; A'la Hadrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan, Bareilly Shareef
11th - Ghiyarwee Shareef ; As-Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
13th - Gazwa : Taif
14th - Martyrdom ; Hadrat Amir Hamza, Madinah Shareef
14th - Birth ; Hadrat Imam Mujaddid Alf Thani, Sirhind
15th - Battle of Khandaq (5th year of Hijra)
15th - Urs ; Hadrat Imam Jafar Saddiq, Madinah Shareef
16th - Urs ; Hadrat Abu Daud Sulayman
18th - Urs ; Hadrat Amir Khusro, Delhi
20th - Urs ; Hadrat Rukaiyya binte Rasulullah Salla Allahu alayhi wa Sallam
21st - Urs ; Hadrat Khawaja Muhammad Masoom, Sirhind
23th - Wissal Hadrat Sayyad Ali Jilani, Baghdad Shareef
27th - Nikah ; Hadrat Umme Salma
29th - Nikah ; Hadrat Fatima Zahra to Hadrat Ali
Dhul Qa'dah
Dhul Qa'dah : is the elevent month of the Islamic Calendar.
It is a month amongst the months of Hajj. It is the first among the four sacred months (Ash'hur al Harum).
However, no specific rules are prescribed for this month, except for those persons performing Hajj and are in the Sacred Cities of Makkah Mukkaramah and Madinah tal Munawwara and are required to follow the Rules of Hajj.
Important dates and Anniversaries of Dhul Qa'dah
1st - Urs ; Imam Taqi bin Ali Musa Raza
2nd - Urs ; Sadrus Shariat Mawlana Amjad Ali, Ghousi
5th - Urs ; Hadrat Makhdoom Shah, Badayun
6th - Chatti Shareef ; Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
8th - Urs ; Hadrat Shaykh Hisamuddin, Multan
9th - Wissal ; Hadrat Muhammad Shah Bhikari, Kakauri Shareef
11th - Birth ; Hadrat Imam Ali Raza, Madinah Shareef
11th - Ghiyarwee Sharif ; As-Sayyad Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani
14th - Urs ; Hadrat Shah Fazlullah, Kalpi Shareef
15th - Birth ; Hadrat Muhaddith al-A'zam al-Hind, Kicchocha Shareef
15th - Urs ; Hadrat Khawaja Bandanawaz Gesu Daraz, Gulbagha
19th - Urs ; Hadrat Pir Shamsuddin 'Shams' Chisti, Rupal
22nd - Birth ; Mufti-e-A'zam al-Hind, Bareilly Shareef 2nd - Urs ; Sadrus Shariat Mawlana Amjad Ali, Ghousi
5th - Urs ; Hadrat Makhdoom Shah, Badayun
6th - Chatti Shareef ; Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
8th - Urs ; Hadrat Shaykh Hisamuddin, Multan
9th - Wissal ; Hadrat Muhammad Shah Bhikari, Kakauri Shareef
11th - Birth ; Hadrat Imam Ali Raza, Madinah Shareef
11th - Ghiyarwee Sharif ; As-Sayyad Shaykh Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani
14th - Urs ; Hadrat Shah Fazlullah, Kalpi Shareef
15th - Birth ; Hadrat Muhaddith al-A'zam al-Hind, Kicchocha Shareef
15th - Urs ; Hadrat Khawaja Bandanawaz Gesu Daraz, Gulbagha
19th - Urs ; Hadrat Pir Shamsuddin 'Shams' Chisti, Rupal
24th - Urs ; Hadrat Tipu Sultan
26th - Urs ; Khawaja Abul-Hassan Khirkani, Khirkan
28th - Wissal ; Aurangzeb Alamgir, Shahpur
29th - Wissal Hadrat Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan
Dhul Hijjah
For your Hajj/Umrah Guide : click here First Ten Days
The month of Dhul-Hijjah is indeed a month of tremendous virtues and blessings. The First Ten Days of this month are especially significant and are among the most magnificent days in the Islamic calendar.
It is reported from Hadrat Ibn Abbas (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu) that Sayyadina Rasulullah (Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) said: " There is no day wherein any good action is more beloved to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) than these ten days (the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah)". The Sahabah (Radi Allahu ta'ala anhum) enquired: " Not even Jihaad in the path of Allah ? "(i.e. are actions performed in these days more beloved than even the act of Jihad)". " Not even Jihad in the path of Allah," replied Sayyadina Rasulullah (Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam), " with the exception of that person who left with his life and wealth (in the path of Allah) and did not return with any of it (i.e. he is martyred)". (Bukhari, Tabrani)
It is also narrated from Hadrat Ibn Abbas (Radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) that Sayyadina Rasulullah (Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) said: " No days are as weighty with Allah and so liked by Him for good deeds than the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah ". Therefore in these days increasingly recite: "La ilaha illallah, Allahu Akbar, Al-Hamdu-lillah, Sub-hanallah." (Tabrani)
Fasts in the First 10 Days
Hadrat Abu Huraira (Radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) narrates that Sayyadina Rasulullah (Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) said: "There are no days more dearer to Allah, in which to perform His Ibadat, than the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. The fast of one of those days is equivalent to one year's fasting; and the ibadat of one night during this period is equal to the ibadat of Laylat al-Qadr."(Ibne Maja, Tirmidhi).
Other Acts to undertake in these days :
1. The best deed in these ten days is to perform Hajj and Umrah. According to the Hadith, "From one Umrah to the next Umrah there is atonement of sins in between, and for Haj which is accomplished sincerely, the reward is nothing but Paradise."
2. There is great virtue in fasting in these first nine days, or some of them, especially on the Day of Arafat. There is no doubt that fasting is one of the best deeds which Allah has chosen. It is related in by Qatadah (Radi Allahu anhu) that the Beloved Muhammad (Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) said, "Whoever fasts on the Day of Arafat, Allah may forgive his/her sins of the previous year and of the coming year." Note: This does refer to major or intentional sins; only to those of omission or forgetfulness. (Sahih Muslim)
3. Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar) and dhikr (remembering Allah often) during these days is highly recommended. As Allah tells us, (Quran 2:203): "And remember Allah in days appointed." which refers to these ten days. It is related by Hadrat Ibn Umar (Radi Allahu anhu), "Increase in these days, Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar), Tahleel (saying la ilaha ilallah) and Tahmeed (saying al-hamdulillah)," as already explained. (Ahmad)
In Sahih al-Bukhari, related by Hadrat Ibn Umar (Radi Allahu anhu) and Hadrat Abu Huraira (Radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu) that they used to walk in the markets glorifying and magnifying Allah. The people used to join them. They used to say in these ten days: 'Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha ilallah, wa Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillah il-hamd.' This takbir does not need to be collective, each person individually glorifies Allah alone, and as in all Dhikr and Dua, one may do whatever is easy for him/her.
4. One should make Taubah (sincere repentance) and avoid disobedience and the rest of sins. Disobedience is the reason for our being far removed from Allah. On the other hand, obedience is what brings us closer to Allah and is the way of earning the love of Allah. In the hadith related by Hadrat Abu Huraira (Radi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) said, "Indeed Allah has dignity, and His dignity demands that man should not come to Him with deeds that may be forbidden." (Agreed upon)
5. We should do as many voluntary good deeds (nawafil) e.g. Salaat, Saddaqa, recitation of the Qur'an al-kareem, feeding the poor, and the encouragement of good deeds and the prevention of bad deeds or evil within our society; These voluntary deeds are awarded twice the amount for those done in any other days.
6. Do in these days individual takbir, in all the events of the day and the night, till the Salaat-al-Eid, and collective takbir which is recited after every Prayer (Salaat) in congregation. It begins for non-Hajis, i.e.those not performing Haj, from Salaat-al Fajr on the Day of Arafat.
The 9th day of Dhul Hijjah
The 9th day of Dhulhijjah is called 'Yawmul - "Arafah' (The Day of 'Arafah). This is the date when the Hujjaj ( pilgrims) assemble on the plain of 'Arafat, six miles away from Makkah al-Mukarramah, where they perform the most essential part of the prescribed duties of hajj, namely, the 'Wuqoof of'Arafat (the stay in 'Arafat)'.
The Fast of Yawmul 'ArafahThe fast of 'Yawmul 'Arafah' has been emphasized by the Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) as a mustahabb (desirable) act. According to a Hadith, the fast of this day becomes a cause, hopefully so, of forgiveness for sins committed in one year.
Abu Qatadah (Radi Allahu anhu) reported that Sayyadina Rasullullah (Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) said: " I have hope in Allah Ta'ala that the fast of Arafah will be an atonement for the sins of the past and the forthcoming year." (Muslim & Tirmidhi)
Beginning from the Fajr of the 9th Dhulhijjah up to the 'Asr prayer of the 13th, it is obligatory on each Muslim to recite the Takbir of Tashriq after every fard prayer in the following words.
"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,La Ilaha Illallahu, Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahilhamd."
(There is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest and to Allah belongs all praise.)
According to authentic Islamic sources, it is obligatory on each Muslim, to recite this Takbir after every fard Salaah. Whether one is performing salah with Jama'ah (collectively) or on one's own (individually) makes no difference. One must recite the Takbir. However, male Muslims should recite it in a loud voice, while females should recite it in a low voice.
For your complete Hajj and Umrah guide, please click here
Important dates and Anniversaries of Dhul Hijjah
1st - Urs ; Hadrat Abdullah ibne Umar
3rd - Urs ; Hadrat Mawlana Ziauddin Madani
3rd - Urs ; Hadrat Imam Muslim
3rd - Urs ; Hadrat Shaykh Sadruddin Arif, Multan
3rd - Hadrat Imam Hussain leaves for Kufa
4th - Urs ; Khawaja Fariduddin , Delhi
6th - Urs ; Hadrat Haji Ali Akbarshah Hajipir Chisti, Kutch
6th - Urs ; Hadrat Khawaja Habib Ali Shah
6th - Chatti Shareef ; Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Shareef
7th - Urs ; Hadrat Abd al-Razzaq Noor al-Ayn, Kicchocha Shareef
7th - Urs ; Hadrat Imam Baaqir, Madinah Munnawara
8th - Urs ; Day of Tarwiyya or Day of Takbeer
9th - Yaum-e-Arafah - Day of Hajj
10th - Eid al-Adha and Yaum-an-Nahar (Day of Sacrifice)
11th - Ghiyarwee Shareef ; As Sayyad Shaykh Abd' al-Qadir al-Jilani
12th - Urs ; Shaykh Bahauddin Radawi Daulatabad, Dekkan
14th - Urs ; Hadrat Abdur-Rahman bin Auf
15th - Urs ; Shah Abdul Hai, Bengal
15th - Yaum-Hadrat Uthman Ghani ZunNoorain, Madinah Munawwara
18th - Urs ; Hadrat Sayyad Al-e-Rasul Ahmadi, Mehrera Shareef
18th - Urs ; Mawlana Sadr-al Faadil Naeemuddin, Muradabad
22nd - Urs ; Mawlana Abd'al Aleem Siddiqui, Madinah Munawwara
27th - Wissal ; Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibili, Baghdad Shareef
28th - Amir al-Mu'mineen Hadrat Umar Farooq
29th - Hadrat Baba Yousuf Shah Taji, Mewasha Karachi
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