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Showing posts with label adab of Sufis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adab of Sufis. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Adab Of The Sufis

Adab of the Sufis | the purifying ones.. truly who purifies the inner-self succeeds,and who corrupts it fails! - The QuranI have been sent to perfect good manners ...Righteousness is good character.- Prophet MuhammadAdab is courtesy, respect, appropriateness. Adab is not formality; it helps to create the context in which we develop our humanness.Every situation and relationship has its proper adab: between students on the path, in relationto family members and elders, in relation toone's shaikh. Every level of being also has its adab, including coming into the presence ofTruth (Al-Haqq).The model of adab in the Sufi tradition is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing uponhim), who said: "None of you will have authentic faith until your hearts are made right,nor will your hearts be made right until your tongues be made right, nor will your tongues be made right until your actions be maderight."Awareness of some simplified aspects of adab:. To be Straight forward with sincerity and truthfulness.. To be aware of and have regret for our own faults, rather than finding fault with others.. To be free from the preoccupation, worry,vanity and ambition over the world and the worldly.. To be indifferent to the praise or blame of the general public.. To do what one does for God's sake-not forthe desire for reward or the fear of punishment.. To adopt an appropriate humility and invisibility in public and in the meetings of the dervishes.. To serve the good of one's brothers and sisters with all one's physical and other resources .. To seek to heal any wound you may have caused to another, and to correct any misunderstanding within three days if possible.. To know that no good will come out of the expression of anger or excessive hilarity.. To be patient with difficulties.. To be indifferent to favor or benefit foroneself, for "receiving one's due.". To be free of spiritual envy and ambition,including the desires to lead or teach.. To strive to increase one's knowledge ofSufism (the Gnosis, the Marifa, the Knowledgeof God and self). To be willing to struggle with one's ego asmuch as it prevents one from following proper adab, and to realize that the greatest ally isLove.. To seek instead to make one's practices moreand more inwardly sincere, rather than outwardly apparent."Technology of the Heart"thanks to brother.

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