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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Noorul Huda (Qalan) By Sultan Bahu In English Page 29

The congenitally blind person remains a disclaimer and dubious
He does not admit presence of sun though the torridity and heat of sun is burning his forehead
I have seen Beauties of Allah’s splendor with my own eyes after becoming Fana Fi Allah (Destroyed in Allah)
And if saw Him then have reached before Him with Tahqeeq (Research)
Every answer [of mine] is from the Verse of the Holy Quran
And after this answer is given from authentic Hadis
If someone asks me to show (him) Haq
Then I with the command of Allah drown him in Tauhid
Had the Holy Aulia Allah Alaihim Salam not these Degrees
Then no person could have seen Him and meet Him
Go beyond the Martaba (Rank) of Gharq (Rapt) in Tauhid and see with the eye of heart
So that you may become Waasil (joined) with God and Faqar may end on you
Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi when became Fana Fi Allah (Destroyed in Allah) has not remained Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi
Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi has got this Martaba (Rank) from Hu and Yaa Hu is his only Wird and Wazifa. 

[It should be noted] that such kinds of Maratib (Ranks) of sighting and Didaar are admissible.  Three ways of sighting and the Taufeeq (Success) of Didaar are admissible according the Authentic Text and Hadis:

1.      First sighting and Didaar through dream is admissible.  That dream which is a sanctum for the Real Deity and no Hijaab (Veil) is there for the seer this dream is called Noori (Photic) Dream and the seer sees the sight Allah before Him
2.      Second it is admissible to see the Sight of Allah during Maraqiba (Sufi Meditation).  That Maraqiba (Sufi Meditation) which like death delivers to the Sanctuary of Allah. 
3.      Thirdly it is admissible to see the Sight of Allah openly that the body of the seer is here in this world while his soul is in Lahoot Lamakan. 

These entire Maratib (Ranks) of the Faiz (beneficence) and Fazal (favor) of sighting and Didaar are received from the Great Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide).

Suggested Meanings:
Wird: specific words or phrases for repeated recital. Wazifa: supplication. Didaar: seeing the Sight of Allah.

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