O Dear! Listen [attentively]! For both the Murshideen (Guides) and the Seekers this one saying is sufficient that that in your left side is your enemy Nafs [
] and in your right side the accused Satan in encroaching. Thus you are in battle against both these two [fierce] enemies. That person on whose both sides such [strong] enemies are stick like the wounds of arrow or the pain of thorn then what concern he might have with dream or happy hours? You ought to be alert every time! What you know that at what instance the messenger of death will bring the message? The Faqeer ought to always be engaged in the Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence
; till a flame of Tajalli (self disclosure) of Anwaar (Scintillations) emanates from the Name Allah the Essence and Faqeer after drowning in this self disclosure becomes honored with Didaar; neither he may remember the spring of the Eden nor even the Fire of Hell. I have passed through these both Stations and have turned my face towards Didaar.
HADIS (sayings of the Holy Prophet
Eimaan (Belief) is between fear and hope.
Which Ilm (knowledge) and mode is for getting the honor of Didaar becoming Waasil (joined) with Haq Almighty and getting Liqa (meeting) of Lord? That is just the Noori (Photic) Hazoori Ilm of the Mushahida (Vision) of the Qurb (propinquity) of Lord that is beyond this outwardly wisdom intelligence and sensibility. Every that person can know this Ilm (knowledge) of the Marifat who has directly learnt the lesson from Allah Almighty and this lesson is dearer to us than brother son and life even.
Suggested Meanings:
Didaar: seeing the Sight of Allah. Hazoori: It means ‘attendance at an intangible Station or an unseen gathering that is a Wayfarer after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world gains cordially spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in said way or he is allowed attendance in the inward and spiritual Court of Hazarat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wassallam inwardly or spiritually while sleeping or through Maraqiba.
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