shakes his hands is such a way as butter is skimmed out of yogurt exactly like this he collects the Ruh (Spirit) of the human being in the Istakhwan al Abeez of the human brain which is a Station wider and spacious than the earth and heavens. At this Station the Ruh (Spirit) is stood up by the Angel. at the Station of Istakhwan ul Abeez [during the period before resting the body in grave] three hundred seventy (370) questions are asked from the dead body. After this the person who gives a bath to the dead body gives bath to it and Namaz e Janaza is offered. Three hundred seventy (370) questions are asked from the dead body by the Angels before it is rested in the grave where the Munkir and Nakir ask him questions to answer and then he becomes free. Afterwards the Roohani (spirit of the deceased) is aroused and stood up in the grave by an angel named ‘Rummaan’. He makes his finger a pen and saliva of his mouth as ink and coffin (white cloth with which dead body is wrapped) as paper and writes the virtues and sins of the deceased person by his hand on it and makes an amulet of the ‘paper’ and wears it round its neck and vanishes. If Roohani (spirit of the deceased) is righteous it goes to the Station of Elliyyeen and if is sinful then he is entered to the Station of the Sijjiyeen. After three days the Roohani (spirit of the deceased) comes again in his grave and sees his elemental body that it has become decaying and putrid and insects and bugs are eating it then it deeply regrets over its condition moans over it and becomes too much sorrowful and says that ‘O you! Brought up in luxury and blessings! [What calamity struck you?]’. For twelve years it repeatedly always visits its dead body to observe this ruination and rotten state of its body as if someone visits to see a patient. Three types of people are those whose dead body remains intact under the protection of Allah. The first kind of the body in peace is of the Aalim (Erudite) Aamil (that practiced upon Ilm (knowledge)) the second kind of the body in peace is of the Perfect Faqeer and third kind of the body is of the Shaheed (martyr) Mukammil(complete) Akmal (more perfect). Therefore the Shaheed e Akbar even after their death talks with the people in the Aalim e Hayaat. The Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide) opens the all the above recorded Maratib (Ranks) of the Aalim e Mamaat to the Seeker through the Hazraat of the Name Allah the Essence
during the very life time of the Seeker either in dream or during Maraqiba (Sufi Meditation) or openly through the awareness of a reason or through the Gaze and eyesight and shows the Ain Ba Ain Mushahida (Vision) of all the aforesaid all conditions of the Aalim e Mamaat in this world.
Suggested Meanings:
Namaz e Janaza: funeral prayers. Sijjiyeen: a place where spirits of the sinful will be brought after their death. Aamil: skilled doer perfect applier of knowledge. Aalim e Hayaat (realm of life). Aalim e Mamaat: Realm of the Dead. Hazraat: inwardly gains and spiritual rewards that are the outcomes of Visualization. Ain Ba Ain: exactly or same as seen through eyes.
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