That person who found Ain (eye) he exactly made the Ilm (knowledge) of Ain (eye) his guide and companion. These are the Maratib (Ranks) of Taufeeq!
Quran says: “my welfare is only in Allah” (11:88)
Taufeeq (Success) is the Noor (Light) of the Ability of Lord. With this Noor (Light) of the Taufeeq (Success) of the Qurb (propinquity) of my Lord the Seeker with the strength of Taufeeq (Success) recognizes the Four (Chehaar) Forms: the bowel like Nafs the Qalb the Ruh (Spirit) and the Sirr (Secret). And these forms talk with Ahl e Taufeeq (Success). After that the Ahl e Taufeeq (Success) chooses the Haq (Truth) and rejects all the Baatil (Falsehood).
That person who has reached these Maratib (Ranks) he is called Tee Al Faqar Wahayyul Wajud the Master of Marifat Yuhyee ul Qaloob Wa Yumeet un Nafs; because for him living and dying are equal dream and wakefulness are equal Masti and cautiousness are equal hunger and satiety are equal reading and not reading are equal Mujahida and Mushahida (Vision) are equal speaking and silence are equal and soil and gold and silver are equal!
I drowned in the ocean of Wahdat in such a way
That I have no news of even Azal or Abad!
O Loyal Seeker! Be informed that the companionship of Hazarat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam
should always be identified in the Mushahida (Vision) of the Marifat of Tauhid of the Almighty Haq. And he should be under the attention of Allah Almighty and should be the favorite and accepted in the Sanctuary of Allah Almighty and the Hazoori of the Majlis (Court) of Hazarat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam
should be desired by him. Except these two Maratib (Ranks) every other Station and destination is distant from Allah and is rejected. These two both Maratib (Ranks) are Janbeen (alongside) of the ‘Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him in the proper Makaan (abode) of the Noor (Light) of the Hazoor (Attendance)!
When the Arif Bi Allah has gained access up to the Lamakan then both the Worlds gaze equal to the wing of mosquito!
Suggested Meanings:
Masti: spiritual drunkenness. Mujahida: Jihad against Nafs. Azal: eternity without beginning. Abad: Eternity without end. Hazoori: It means ‘attendance at an intangible Station or an unseen gathering that is a Wayfarer after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world gains cordially spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in said way or he is allowed attendance in the inward and spiritual Court of Hazarat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wassallam inwardly or spiritually while sleeping or through Maraqiba.
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