Attaining each and all these Maratib (Ranks) and becoming Waasil Bi Allah Almighty is possible only through Mashq e Wujudia of inscribing the Name Allah the Essence with Taffakur (Contemplation). After this different Self Disclosures are emitted in the body of the Seeker from each letter of the Name Allah the Essence
and the Seeker at once reaches at the Martaba (Rank) of Maroof Karkhi Rahmatullah Alaihi and becomes free of the entire needs and becomes La Yahtaaj (Self Sufficient). With the Maratib (Ranks) of the Ghinayat (Self-sufficiency) of Akseer Kimya the Faqeer becomes Aamil Kimyagar and with the Maratib (Ranks) of Hidayat (Guidance) Akseer Kimya gaze of the Wali Allah becomes the ruler over the sea and land. It is essential for the Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide) that he should grant both these Ilm (knowledge) [Maratib (Ranks)] to the Loyal Seeker within a moment.
[O the Loyal Seeker! Attentively] Listen! The Seekers are of two kinds:
· First kind is the Seeker in the likeness of the eyes of the hawk: the food of such Seeker is ‘Didaar’ and the Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide) is the bestower of the Sight of Allah (Didaar).
· Second is (the Seeker) in the likeness of the nestling of Ghaliwaaz (perhaps it means the bird ‘kite’) whose food is the carrion carcass of world and the Naqis Murshid (Imperfect Guide) the granter of the carrion carcass.
(It) means that every esteem and honor Jamiyat (Stability) Qurb (propinquity) of Hazoori and the Marifat and Liqa (meeting) was received by man only because of the blessing of the Nafs. That person who complains against Nafs he is Na-Mard (lacking quality of Real Masculine) because the Nafs e Mutma’ina [8:27] is [totally] Noor (Light) and the Arif Faqeer always remains honored with the seeing the Sight of God (Didaar).
Nafs is of four kinds:
1. First: the Nafs of the Kafir (non-believer) person is Kafir (non-believer);
2. Second: the Nafs of the hypocrite person is hypocrite;
3. Third: the Nafs of a Muslim person is Muslim
4. Fourth: the Nafs of the True Believer person (Mo’min) is also True Believer.
My Lord says: “Allah tasks not a soul beyond its scope” (2:286)
The unruly Nafs can be brought in control only through the Qurb (propinquity) of Didaar.
Suggested Meanings:
Mashq e Wujudia: exercise inscribing Holy Words on eyes ears head hands feet tongue and (front and back) bosom through Visualization and Contemplation. Aamil: skilled doer perfect applier of knowledge. Kimyagar: alchemist. Didaar: seeing the Sight of Allah. Hazoori: It means ‘attendance at an intangible Station or an unseen gathering that is a Wayfarer after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world gains cordially spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in said way or he is allowed attendance in the inward and spiritual Court of Hazarat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wassallam inwardly or spiritually while sleeping or through Maraqiba.
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