O Seeker Aalim Bi Allah and the Seeker Arif Wali Allah! You foremost of all seek Ilm (knowledge) from Murshid (Guide) because he who lacks Ilm (knowledge) cannot identify God. Which Ilm (knowledge) is that? That is the Ilm (knowledge) of Tauhid Inayat; the Ilm (knowledge) of the Marifat of Hidayat; the Ilm (knowledge) of Wilayat; the Ilm (knowledge) of Ghinayat (Self-sufficiency); and the Ilm (knowledge) of Hidayat (Guidance). The Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide) teaches all these Uloom (Science) to the Loyal Seeker through Tawajuh (Attention) and gaze. And within a second the Seeker becomes the Aalim (Erudite) Faazil (learned person) and Sahib e Tehseel (master of study). Afterwards grants the Ilm (knowledge) of the Marifat of the Qurb (propinquity) of the Noor (Light) of Hazoor (Attendance) of Lord Mushahida (Vision) of Hazoor (Attendance) cordiality of Hazoor (Attendance) the quest (Talb) of Hazoor (Attendance) and the Lahoot Lamakan of Hazoor (Attendance) the Ilm (knowledge) of Taufeeq (Success) of the Tahqeeq (Research) of Hazoor (Attendance) Zikr Fikr (Thoughtful Recollection) Ilhaam Mazkoor of Hazoor (Attendance) the ascendance of the Majlis (Court) of Muhammad Mustafa Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam
and Hazoori. That person whose human body has become Noor (Light) from the top to toe with all these Uloom (Science) of Hazoor (Attendance) and with the ability of the Ilm (knowledge) of Noor (Light) he when has clearly read the Name Allah
without any language and description with the Ilm (knowledge) of Noor (Light) and from the Realm of Hazoor (Attendance) then he is left with no need of Riyazat and Mujahida for all his life. Foremost of all the Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide) educates [the Seeker] through all these Uloom (Science) of different Hazooriyat and later gives him Talqeen (Instruction) and Irshaad (Directive). After this the Seeker is unable to follow the path of err and resentment; and become predominant Aulia Allah. The Perfect is he who lets the Ilm (knowledge) of Mujahida be covered through the Ilm (knowledge) of Mushahida (Vision); and shows the Ilm (knowledge) of Riyazat in the Ilm (knowledge) of Raaz (secret) and the Ilm (knowledge) of Mujahida and the Ilm (knowledge) of Riyazat come automatically in the Ilm (knowledge) of Mushahida (Vision) and the Ilm (knowledge) of Raaz (secret) in such a way as salt is in food or spark is in fire or like water is in milk or gold in the crucible (Boota) and gulp of air comes in human body and life. Whoso attained the Maratib (Ranks) of the Marifat of Lord the Tauhid of Qurb (propinquity) and Jamiyat (Stability) and the Station of Fana Fi Allah (Destruction in Allah) and the Martaba (Rank) of the Perfect Hidayat (Guidance) he attained with the Ilm (knowledge) of the Noor (Light) Hazoor (Attendance); and made this very Ilm (knowledge) the Waseela (Resource) of guidance of a Rafiq (companion) Rahber (leader) with Taufeeq (Success) because no Follower of Bid’at (Ahl e Bid’at) Kafir (non-believer) and Jaahil (Ignorant) violator of the Shariyat of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam
can attain the Marifat of Lord.
Suggested Meanings:
Zikr: remembrance or the action of remembering the Holy Names usually through a rhythmic manner as a spiritual exercise. Ilhaam: delivery of the message of good in the heart of second person directly without physical means. Riyazat: Sufi abstinence and austerity etcetera exercised to attain perfection etcetera exercised to attain perfection. Mujahida: Jihad against Nafs. Hazoori: It means ‘attendance at an intangible Station or an unseen gathering that is a Wayfarer after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world gains cordially spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in said way or he is allowed attendance in the inward and spiritual Court of Hazarat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wassallam inwardly or spiritually while sleeping or through Maraqiba.
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