HADIS (sayings of the Holy Prophet
Those who only verbally say the Kalima Tayyeb are many but those who sincerely say the Kalima Tayyeb are very few.
Thus the Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide) is that who grants every fortune and every position from the Kalima Tayyeb to the Loyal Seeker with and opens every Tassaruf (Possession) of the Ilm (knowledge) of Kimya and treasury of Hikmat and shows every letter of Kalima Tayyeb
. So it clear that it is better to seek Talqeen (Instruction) from the Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide) the Mard (real masculine) and Na-Mard (lacking quality of Real Masculine) with feminine character should be given divorce three times. What are the signs of a Perfect Mard (real masculine) Murshid and the Naqis Murshid (Imperfect Guide) Na-Mard (lacking quality of Real Masculine)? The Murshid e Kamil (Perfect Guide) through the Tawajuh (Attention) of the Name Allah the Essence and Mashq e Wujudia at once and in just single Gaze takes the Seeker to Hazoori whereas [contrary to this] the Murshid e Naqis (Imperfect Guide) Na-Mard keeps the said task deferred with his false promises with the Seeker.
HADIS (sayings of the Holy Prophet
The noble human being is he that when makes a promise fulfills it.
That Loyal Seeker who brings Kalima Tayyeb under the cover of Visualization and Tawajuh (Attention) he is the Follower of Taufeeq (Ahl e Taufeeq) and him who takes it to the Hazraat of Tassaruf (Possession) and Taffakur (Contemplation) he is the Follower of Tahqeeq (Ahl e Tahqeeq). Whoso doubts [in the effectiveness of Kalima Tayyeb] he is from amongst the dead hearted and the Followers of damned Zandeeq (atheist). It is like an obligation on the Seeker that whatever the Murshid orders the Seeker should not do against that and should never say ‘no’ in front of the Murshid should not gasp before him. And also it is like an obligation on the Murshid (Guide) that whatever the Seeker asks for the Murshid should grant him without a delay. If the Murshid lacks the Taufeeq (Success) for granting then the Murshid is Satan and he is the brigand for the Seekers in real terms that he spoils life of the Seeker of Haq.
Suggested Meanings:
Hikmat: sagacity philosophy. Mashq e Wujudia: exercise inscribing Holy Words on eyes ears head hands feet tongue and (front and back) bosom through Visualization and Contemplation. Hazoori: It means ‘attendance at an intangible Station or an unseen gathering that is a Wayfarer after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world gains cordially spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in said way or he is allowed attendance in the inward and spiritual Court of Hazarat Muha
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